Squash crops
Squash (Cucurbita spp) belong to the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. These are annual plants, creeping and originating in India. The consumed part is the fruit before maturity (case zucchini) or full maturity (case pumpkin). The pollinated by insects. The nutritional value, dietary and taste is important (10% MS, 1% N, 6% sugar, 0.5% minerals, carotenes). In Morocco, the main production regions are the Doukkala, Gharb and Sais. The vegetable is used fresh or canned (jam and drying).
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The optimum root growth is 22- 25 ° C. A minimum of 12 ° C is required for root development. The optimum vegetative growth of 20- 22 ° C day and 17- 18 ° C at night. In times of production, cultivation requires 20- 25 ° C day and 17- 20 ° C at night. The soil requirements are not large. The optimum pH of the soil is 5.5 to 6.8. The soil should not be asphyxiating nor too fresh in the spring. It is recommended to avoid poor soils, too heavy or compacted. Too cold ground causes the melting of seedlings. The same optimal soil and climatic conditions for melon or cucumber are required by squash.
Varieties, seeding, tillage and planting:
The main varieties used in Morocco belong to three groups: (1) Cucurbita pepo L; this is the zucchini group (early vegetables crops); (2) Cucurbita maxima Duch; it is the pumpkin and pumpkin Group (seasonal crops, often dry favorable bour) and (3) Cucurbita moshata Duch; it is the group of butternut squash. In group (1) include the following varieties: vegetable Green; Green Algiers and Blackbuty. In group (2), we find the large white and the bright red of Etempes. In group (3), we find the Hip 51-17 and full of Naples. The number of seeds per gram of seed is seed of 0.5 / g of seed for the pumpkin seeds and 1-2 / g of seed for zucchini. Regarding schedules seeding in the growing season (pumpkin and pumpkin), seeding is performed, in general, directly in pockets of 3-5 seeds in the field, from the month of March-April. In the nursery for growing zucchini (premiere), it is preferable to use the plug trays and peat. Sowing can take place from September to January. Direct seeding can be done in June-July for a cultural season rear (production between October and late November). For direct seeding, the 10 cm deep holes are made. Is filled with well-rotted manure them. Mixing soil and dung. We place 3-4 seeds per hole. At the second stage sheet, cleared 2 seedlings per hole. If sowing is done in nurseries, care is taken to replace the missing. Transplanting was made at the 3-4 leaf stage. For cold and fissurants soil is opened trenches 20 cm x 10 cm depth and the buried manure mixed with potting soil (40-50 tons / ha). At these trenches is carried out direct seeding or planting. The arrangement of plants in the field is as follows: (1) for early, lines are simple (1.2 mx 0.5 m); (2) for the growing season, simple lines and 2.5 mx 1.5 m. It made a pre-germination of seeds prior to sowing (seeds imbibing the eve of sowing, with warm water). A dense culture is generally protected from sunburn. The planting density is 3,000 (pumpkin) to 16,000 (zucchini) plants / ha.
Irrigation and tending:
The soil should always be to its field capacity. The growing water requirements are around 300 mm with a scoop of courgette crop or season back The best irrigation system is drip-drip. The irrigation management should be performed by lysimeters installed on the parcel, the class A pan or tensiometry. The same care given melon or cucumber are required by squash. In the field, plants are not pruned. It is advisable to 2-3 and 2-3 hoeing buttages to strengthen the root system.
When making planting holes, it is recommended to bury the basal dressing, ie 30-40 t / ha of manure (if available) + 60 kg N / ha + 150 kg P2O5 / ha + 100 kg K2O / ha. In coverage, they bring 30 kg N / ha + 40 kg P2O / ha + 30 kg K2O / ha in mid-growth and every fortnight. We also recommend bringing 3-4 T / ha of manure cover in early spring flowering stage. Squash support the recent manure.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are the nuile, powdery mildew, spider mites, aphids, thrips, wireworms and cutworms. It is advisable to treat against these enemies a preventive manner. In the Tadla region, the climate does not allow the development of most fungal diseases. The treatments are generally limited to insecticides and miticides. Particular attention should be given to viruses. A plant virus disease must be removed immediately from the field.
Harvest, conditions for good conservation and product handling:
Harvesting is done using the shears so as not to damage the plants. The fruit should be thrown into picking bags, but stored in boxes. The best harvest stage is the stage tender fruit (for zucchini) or mature (for the pumpkin and pumpkin); it is recommended to transport the production of zucchini quickly to its destination for immediate sale in order to safeguard product quality. The national average yield is 12-15 t / ha for zucchini; it exceeds 90-100 t / ha for the pumpkin. The storage is done at 10 to 12 ° C and 90-95% RH in a ventilated area. This storage should not exceed 1-2 days to zucchini. Pumpkin and pumpkin will keep at room temperature more than 5-6 months without quality deterioration.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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