lundi 3 août 2015


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Broccoli cabbage‬‏

Broccoli cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) is a biennial plant, native to northern Europe and belonging to the cruciferous family. The consumed part is the inflorescence. The vegetable is rich in minerals (Ca, P, K, Fe), Vitamin A, Thiamin, Niacin and ascorbic acid. In Morocco, cabbage Broccoli is not popular; it is not known by most producers.
Soil and climatic requirements:
Broccoli is a culture of temperate season. The optimum growth between 15 and 18 ° C; the value of 24 ° C is considered as a maximum 4 ° C is a minimum growth value. Under our conditions, broccoli is a typical example of fall-winter culture. It is well suited to the period of short days. Moreover, the culture should thrive in the coastal zone due to the relatively low thermal amplitude because large fluctuations between the temperatures of day and night are harmful to broccoli. In the USA, the production area is mainly located along the coast. As of March, high temperatures (above 30 ° C) pose the problem of rapidly changing inflorescences, both in culture in post-harvest. Like other varieties of Brassica oleracea, broccoli is suitable both for light soils than heavy soils. It is moderately sensitive to salinity. The value of 2.8 mmhos / cm is considered a maximum threshold of the electric conductivity of the extract of the saturated soil paste. Any increase of 1 unit beyond this value results in a decrease of approximately 10% yield.
Varieties, seeding, tillage and planting:
Currently, the varietal range has been expanded with F1 hybrids best adapted to the conditions of the growing season. For example, varieties 'Green Valiant' and 'Mercedes' in Mexico are known for their adaptation to the hot climate of spring. The classification of varieties can be done according to the crop cycle length: extra-hasty cycle, half early and extra-late. Examples of early varieties (65 to 90 days from sowing to the first harvest: Early Dandy, Green Duke, Mercedes). Examples of intermediate varieties (80 to 90 days: Chancellor, Impereor, Gruisader, Chager Green, Green Belt). Examples of late varieties (90 to 150 days: Shogun, Marathon, Samurai). With respect to seeding, the life of broccoli seeds is about 3 years when packed tightly, with less than 5% moisture content in the seed. A seed gram contains about 320 seeds. To target 25,000 feet per hectare and account for missing (10% of total), there must be 85 grams / ha. Germination occurs after 3 to 4 days at temperatures of 25 ° C. Direct seeding is applied only in industrial plantations of North America. In Europe, obtaining nursery plants is under controlled conditions. The breeding clods lasts 20 to 30 days. In Japan, planting stage 3-4 leaves gives better performance (size of apples and earliness) the planting to 6 leaf stage. The optimum planting density is 40,000 plants / ha, according to distances of 0.5 m in every direction. The required number of days from planting to commercial maturity and under optimal growth conditions is about 55 days for early varieties and 78 days for the late varieties.
Irrigation and tending:
The broccoli water needs are similar to those of cauliflower. These vary from 280 to 350 mm for cultivation cycles ranging from 80 to 100 days. In the absence of local data on the evolution of the crop coefficient (Kc) and therefore on the pace of inflows, it can be argued the following schedule, subject to confirmation or refutation in the real growing conditions :
Phases (*)IIIIIIIV
Number of days15282135

(*) I = Installation of the culture period
II = slow growth period
III = rapid growth, early harvest
IV = magnification apples and late harvests
  The following fertilization plan is to be adopted: 100, 110, 330 and 104 kg / ha, respectively, for N, P 2 O 5, K 2 O and MgO. A mineral fertilizer is added a manure 30 t / ha. Like all cruciferous sulfur intake is important. The soil must provide culturally 40-60 kg / ha. It greatly contributes to the acidification of soils, usually basic in Morocco. In this regard, the boron deficiency can be induced when the soil pH is greater than 6. The broccoli is among the most demanding species of boron. The soil will be tested greater than 0.5ppm content. The sheet should display a content of 36 ppm. Broccoli is moderately sensitive to salinity caused by NaCl of irrigation water. Production potential is reached at water not exceeding 1.9 mmhos / cm. If this value is exceeded, it is expected to yield reductions of 10, 25 and 50%, when the electrical conductivity reached respective values ​​of 2.6, 3.7 and 5.5 mmhos / cm.
Pest control:
Parasites broccoli are common to other such as cabbage kohlrabi, cauliflower, Cabus, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower. The main pests are: Alternaria brassiccicola: This fungus can infect the seed and destroy the young seedlings very early. Fungicides maneb or zineb are effective against this fungus. The lingam Phoma fungus is a symptom of "black foot" or "black leg". It causes necrosis of the collar and a destruction of the roots. It was established that this fungus survives in crop debris. Hybrid varieties currently grown are resistant to this fungus. The Peronospora parasitica is the causal agent of late blight. It starts with slightly yellowish spots on the upper leaf surface and their whitish underside. Chemical control of the disease occurs in many fungicides (ANTEOR, for example). Pythium sp is the agent of damping-off (using the cryptonol). Plasmodiophora brassicae is the fungus that causes clubroot. (Root growths that cause a rapid wilting and death of the plant). The disease is associated with soil pH acidic (pH = 5.5 to 6). Butternut cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) is an insect that lives exclusively on crucifers. It is dark green. The abundance of aphids is linked to mild temperatures. Frequent rain and high relative humidity it is very unfavorable. The cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae) is an insect whose larvae eat away the tissues of leaves that take the lace look. Moths (Lepidoptera) can attack the aerial part of the plant. Most caterpillars feed only at night; during the day they are buried at a shallow depth; when sprouts are well developed, instead of burying the caterpillars remain inside apples or heads during the day. The cabbage moth (cabbage moth) is very harmful and very pohyphage. Its caterpillars can reach 40-45 mm. They are very voracious: consume foliage, dig the galleries and heavily pollute the apples by the abundance of their droppings. The Bacillus biocontrol thuriengensisest effective against moths and Pierides. Thrips (Thrips tabaci) are, in turn, a great danger to culture. Adults enter the apple base; they take advantage of the relaxation of the apple at the stage of maturity to penetrate deeply. Thrips inject their toxic saliva into the subepidermal parenchyma and cause galls (small galls) and corky brown beaches. Chemical control using methomyl (Lannate) or lambdacyahalothrine (Karate) is of low efficiency. Varieties of cabbage sauerkraut ('Bonita' Peltier and 'Krautkaiser' Bejo) seem to have a very low colonization by thrips. The varieties 'Atria', 'Carlton', 'Golden Helmet', 'Europe', 'Masada' and 'Ramco' are sensitive parasite toat.
Harvesting and packaging of Broccoli:
The harvest period is spread over 20-30 days and the harvest is 3 to 5. A yield of 40 t / ha is satisfactory. Apples are harvested, cleaned in the field of the outer sheets and damaged packed in cartons, without the need for a packaging station. In the US, broccoli quality standards are as follows: (1) "spears" are formed by the inflorescence and the extension of the rod. The set should measure 12.7 cm minimum. It is the most requested product in the USA. (2) The "cuts" are made by the inflorescence and a smaller portion of the shaft; all measuring between 2 and 3 cm. (3) "chops" are formed by fragments of stem and inflorescence whose size is between 1.2 and 2 cm. Thus, the quality depends on varieties that have very elongated branches to get the maximum spears. This is the tendency of varieties such as 'Shogun' and 'Mercedes'.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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