the cultivation of leek
Leek (Allium ampeloprasum porrum or L) is a plant: biennial but grown as an annual plant, native to the Mediterranean and Western Asia. It belongs to the botanical family Lilliacées. The part consumed is the pit rod formed of the stack of leaf sheaths. The vegetable is rich in Ca, S, P and vitamin A. It is soothing and diuretic. In Morocco, there is culture everywhere; it sells in the same places as lettuce, radish, mint, parsley and cilantro.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is hardy; it is resistant to cold. Germination begins to 2- 5 ° C. The optimum growth and plant development is 20 ° C. The plant can withstand temperatures of (-15 ° C) to (-20) ° C and a blanket under the snow for 3-4 weeks. Leeks are very demanding in light and moisture throughout the crop cycle. The soil requirements are low. The humus and alluvial soils are preferred. Soil pH should not fall below 6.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are of two types: type long (60- 70 cm) and type short (20- 25 cm). Example of long-leek: improved Saulx Giant. Example Short leek: Blue Solaise. The Americans distinguish varieties according to growing season: autumn examples of varieties (American Flag; Jolant; Kilima; Primor). Sample winter varieties (Derrick, Electra; Goldina; Tivi; Wintereuzen). Examples of spring varieties (Carina; Siberia). The spread is sexual. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 400-600. The nursery is commonly used in Morocco: Propagation by seed is the most widespread in Morocco. Direct seeding is also used. Sowing is done in February and August The seeds are buried in rows 4- 5 cm to a depth of 3 4 cm. Planting takes place 2-3 months after sowing depending on the season. Seedlings show the size of a pencil. Planting is preceded by a plow, the burial of basal dressing and harrowing. The arrangement of plants in the field is carried out in rows 0.5 m (0,2- x 0.3 m between plants on the line) or cuvettes of 1.5 m wide x 4 m long 25 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants in the line. The plants must be dressed before planting (cut ends of the roots 1- 1.5 cm). The need for seed is 2-3 kg / ha for direct sowing and 1,5-2 kg / ha for a nursery seedlings protected against rodents and pests. The planting density is 100,000 120,000 plants / ha.
Irrigation and tending:
The water requirements of the crop are 300- 350 mm per crop cycle. The soil is sprayed before and after transplanting. Three buttages weeding and are often used along the vegetative phase. The water intake should be uniform throughout the crop cycle.
Organic manure is very favorable to the culture even when manure is new and not well decomposed. The basal dressing comprises 20-30 t / ha of manure N + 70 kg + 90 kg + 100 kg P2O5 K2O / ha. Cover it brings 30-60 -30 (N, P2O5, K2O) / ha in 2 intakes, at stages 20 and 40 JAL JAL.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
Great attention should be given to weeds (manual weeding or different herbicides). The most fearsome insects are thrips (Malathion and treat Pylerin), fly the onion and leek moth (to treat Lannate, Decis). The diseases attacking culture are mildew and rust (to treat Maneb, Pelt 44, Bravo, Telone). The classic fight is chemical and preventive.
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest usually takes place 3-4 months after sowing. Pulling is done with a spade or plowing. Harvesting is flexible since the leek not bulbous. We harvest As the market demand. The yields obtained in Morocco are in the order of 30-40 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
The product is sold fresh. During transport, it is better to have the following conditions: 0 ° C and 95-100% RH. Under these conditions, the leek can be stored up to 2-3 months. The same storage conditions as celery and green onion are used for the leek.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
Leek (Allium ampeloprasum porrum or L) is a plant: biennial but grown as an annual plant, native to the Mediterranean and Western Asia. It belongs to the botanical family Lilliacées. The part consumed is the pit rod formed of the stack of leaf sheaths. The vegetable is rich in Ca, S, P and vitamin A. It is soothing and diuretic. In Morocco, there is culture everywhere; it sells in the same places as lettuce, radish, mint, parsley and cilantro.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is hardy; it is resistant to cold. Germination begins to 2- 5 ° C. The optimum growth and plant development is 20 ° C. The plant can withstand temperatures of (-15 ° C) to (-20) ° C and a blanket under the snow for 3-4 weeks. Leeks are very demanding in light and moisture throughout the crop cycle. The soil requirements are low. The humus and alluvial soils are preferred. Soil pH should not fall below 6.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are of two types: type long (60- 70 cm) and type short (20- 25 cm). Example of long-leek: improved Saulx Giant. Example Short leek: Blue Solaise. The Americans distinguish varieties according to growing season: autumn examples of varieties (American Flag; Jolant; Kilima; Primor). Sample winter varieties (Derrick, Electra; Goldina; Tivi; Wintereuzen). Examples of spring varieties (Carina; Siberia). The spread is sexual. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 400-600. The nursery is commonly used in Morocco: Propagation by seed is the most widespread in Morocco. Direct seeding is also used. Sowing is done in February and August The seeds are buried in rows 4- 5 cm to a depth of 3 4 cm. Planting takes place 2-3 months after sowing depending on the season. Seedlings show the size of a pencil. Planting is preceded by a plow, the burial of basal dressing and harrowing. The arrangement of plants in the field is carried out in rows 0.5 m (0,2- x 0.3 m between plants on the line) or cuvettes of 1.5 m wide x 4 m long 25 cm between rows and 10 cm between plants in the line. The plants must be dressed before planting (cut ends of the roots 1- 1.5 cm). The need for seed is 2-3 kg / ha for direct sowing and 1,5-2 kg / ha for a nursery seedlings protected against rodents and pests. The planting density is 100,000 120,000 plants / ha.
Irrigation and tending:
The water requirements of the crop are 300- 350 mm per crop cycle. The soil is sprayed before and after transplanting. Three buttages weeding and are often used along the vegetative phase. The water intake should be uniform throughout the crop cycle.
Organic manure is very favorable to the culture even when manure is new and not well decomposed. The basal dressing comprises 20-30 t / ha of manure N + 70 kg + 90 kg + 100 kg P2O5 K2O / ha. Cover it brings 30-60 -30 (N, P2O5, K2O) / ha in 2 intakes, at stages 20 and 40 JAL JAL.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
Great attention should be given to weeds (manual weeding or different herbicides). The most fearsome insects are thrips (Malathion and treat Pylerin), fly the onion and leek moth (to treat Lannate, Decis). The diseases attacking culture are mildew and rust (to treat Maneb, Pelt 44, Bravo, Telone). The classic fight is chemical and preventive.
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest usually takes place 3-4 months after sowing. Pulling is done with a spade or plowing. Harvesting is flexible since the leek not bulbous. We harvest As the market demand. The yields obtained in Morocco are in the order of 30-40 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
The product is sold fresh. During transport, it is better to have the following conditions: 0 ° C and 95-100% RH. Under these conditions, the leek can be stored up to 2-3 months. The same storage conditions as celery and green onion are used for the leek.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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