Sweet potato
The sweet or sweet potato (Ipomoea batata L) is a perennial plant, native to South America (Peru and Mexico) and belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. The consumed part is the rhizome. It is rich in sucrose, protein, carotene, vitamin C, iron and other minerals. In Morocco, the culture is practiced mainly in the regions of Sais, Casa Salt and Doukkala.
Ecological requirements:
The plant warm season. It requires short days for its tuber (rhizome formation). It has the same environmental requirements as squash crops.
Plant varieties and culture:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Queen of the South and the Rose Molorga. Americans use Poerto Rico and Okinawa. Multiplication is asexual (by rhizomes and cuttings). We plant the rhizome which emits stolons. We practice layering parts to root stolons to produce cuttings for planting in the spring; harvesting takes place in autumn. Planting distances are between 2 m rows x 0.5 m x 0.5 m twinned between cuttings on the line. The stocking density is 3-6 cuttings / m2.
Entetien of culture:
We must irrigate to full soil cover by vegetation. They bring the manure (30 T / ha) + 80 + 100 + 200 kg / ha of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively. Treated against thrips, white grubs, armyworm, rust. We must choose a healthy plant material, virus-free. The land must be healthy (no risk of fusarium).
Harvest and storage:
Harvesting is similar to the potato and Jerusalem artichoke. The vegetable does not keep well (less than a month), even in the best conditions. These are: 4- 5 ° C and 95% RH. The rhizome sprouts quickly form (stolons).
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
The sweet or sweet potato (Ipomoea batata L) is a perennial plant, native to South America (Peru and Mexico) and belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. The consumed part is the rhizome. It is rich in sucrose, protein, carotene, vitamin C, iron and other minerals. In Morocco, the culture is practiced mainly in the regions of Sais, Casa Salt and Doukkala.
Ecological requirements:
The plant warm season. It requires short days for its tuber (rhizome formation). It has the same environmental requirements as squash crops.
Plant varieties and culture:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Queen of the South and the Rose Molorga. Americans use Poerto Rico and Okinawa. Multiplication is asexual (by rhizomes and cuttings). We plant the rhizome which emits stolons. We practice layering parts to root stolons to produce cuttings for planting in the spring; harvesting takes place in autumn. Planting distances are between 2 m rows x 0.5 m x 0.5 m twinned between cuttings on the line. The stocking density is 3-6 cuttings / m2.
Entetien of culture:
We must irrigate to full soil cover by vegetation. They bring the manure (30 T / ha) + 80 + 100 + 200 kg / ha of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively. Treated against thrips, white grubs, armyworm, rust. We must choose a healthy plant material, virus-free. The land must be healthy (no risk of fusarium).
Harvest and storage:
Harvesting is similar to the potato and Jerusalem artichoke. The vegetable does not keep well (less than a month), even in the best conditions. These are: 4- 5 ° C and 95% RH. The rhizome sprouts quickly form (stolons).
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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