The potato Culture
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L) or (English potato) is a perennial plant (from the winter as tubers or underground stem), native to South America and belongs to the botanical family Solanaceae. The consumed part is the tuber. The vegetable has a high nutritional value (tuber rich in phosphorus and vitamin B). In Morocco, the potato was the first vegetable growing area of viewpoints and production. The premiere of culture is exported.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The cold season crop, preferring a cool climate. Tuber germination The optimum is 12- 15 ° C; the optimum growth of 16- 20 ° C. The vegetation is favored by high temperatures and long days. The tuber is rather favored by low temperatures and short days. Culture prefers sand-clay soils rich in humus and slightly acidic. The soil should be well drained and free of obstacles to allow proper development of tubers.
Varieties and planting:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Nicola (white flesh); Spunta (white flesh); Desiree (red meat) and others (Timate, Roseval, Diamond ...). Asexual propagation is by tubers formed on the ends of runners at the end of the growth period of the aerial part. Seed tubers may have different ratings. To save the cost of seed, it is preferable to use 50 grams of tubers. Where available tubers are large in size (80 g), the amount of seed required for ha is of the order of 4 tons. For the use of large tubers (80- 120 g), can be cut into two or three pieces provided to take the necessary measures to protect, namely a dip cut pieces in a fungal solution and use Quick, planting the seed field. The plantation is direct; no nursery. The growing season is installed in February-March, with production in June The culture of real season starts in May with production in autumn (October). The back end culture starts in August and ends in December. The premiere of culture starts in October for a production in January. Semen used must be certified, having been stored at 2- 3 ° C and 85-90% RH before its pre-germination. A month before planting, seed storage conditions should be as follows: 10- 12 ° C in a ventilated, lit, 90% RH. Before using the seed, it is necessary to check the status of tubers and to conduct an index to eliminate the diseased seed. The arrangement of plants in the field is as follows: 60- 70 cm between rows x 25- 35 cm between tubers in the row. The planting depth is 10 cm. The seed must be placed at the bottom of furrows dug by machine or by undermining. The seed needs amount to 500 kg / ha if using tubers of 3 cm in diameter (10-15 g / tuber); ton / ha for tubers of 3.5 cm in diameter (18-20 g / tuber); 2.5 t / ha for tubers of 4.5 cm in diameter (50 g / tuber) and 4 t / ha of seed of 5.5 cm in diameter (80 g / tuber). The planting density is generally 45,000 to 50,000 plants per ha.
Culture preferred continuous operation of water supply (80 to 100% SEM). In the case of an imposed drought, it is recommended that at least three extra irrigation in mid-growth (40 JAP), the tuber (55-60 JAP) and early enlargement of tubers (75- 80 JAP). It is desired to bring the soil to regularly its field capacity.
Working soil maintenance and fertilization of culture:
A month before planting is carried out deep tillage and buries the basal dressing (20-30 t of manure / ha + 50 kg N / ha + 150 kg P2O5 / ha + 200 kg K2O / ha). It is advisable to 2-3 hoeing during the growing season (never in times of tuber) and 2 buttages to prevent greening of tubers and protect against mildew and moths. The buttages can be made at the stage mid growth and two weeks later. At the same time, the coverage of fertilizer can be made to the dose of 30 kg N / ha K2O + 30 kg / ha (mid growth) and 50 kg K2O / ha at the beginning magnification tubers. Culture is also quite demanding in magnesium and tolerant to salinity (below 3 mmohs / cm is not harmful).
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The large tubers cut seed should be used immediately after cutting. Treatment with Tiram, for example, is desired in the event of slow use. Mildew is the most dreaded disease in case of sprinkler irrigation or heavy rain wetting the foliage over a long period. The use of anti mildew products is necessary as a preventive measure (Anteor, for example). Other enemies of culture are, in general, aphids can cause viral diseases (treated by pirimor, for example), leafminer (different insecticides are of common use, such as karate, decis ...) and nematodes (soil sterilization is very expensive and does not justify its use on potatoes; it is recommended to adopt an effective rotation: the culture of Solanaceae, in the same botanical family of the potato must not go back on the same plot before five years).
Harvesting, handling product and good storage conditions:
15 days before harvest, it is recommended to turn off the water to the parcel in order to promote maturation and prepare for the harvest. This may be manual or mechanized. The aerial part of the plant can be destroyed by a sulfuric acid spray diluted to 10% (1000 liters of solution / ha). The condition of the skin of the tubers must be examined before the harvest; it must be thick enough to ensure good protection against tuber injuries and wounds. It is best to use the hook to dig up the tubers; undermining causes injuries and reduces the marketability of the product. The yield varies from 15 to 50 t / ha depending on the variety, season and production conditions. The national average is around 17-18 t / ha. The tubers should be stored, first in a ventilated area at 12 ° C for two weeks, then transferred to a cold room (2- 3 ° C), dark and well ventilated. The darkness is important; light causes the germination of tubers.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
The potato (Solanum tuberosum L) or (English potato) is a perennial plant (from the winter as tubers or underground stem), native to South America and belongs to the botanical family Solanaceae. The consumed part is the tuber. The vegetable has a high nutritional value (tuber rich in phosphorus and vitamin B). In Morocco, the potato was the first vegetable growing area of viewpoints and production. The premiere of culture is exported.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The cold season crop, preferring a cool climate. Tuber germination The optimum is 12- 15 ° C; the optimum growth of 16- 20 ° C. The vegetation is favored by high temperatures and long days. The tuber is rather favored by low temperatures and short days. Culture prefers sand-clay soils rich in humus and slightly acidic. The soil should be well drained and free of obstacles to allow proper development of tubers.
Varieties and planting:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Nicola (white flesh); Spunta (white flesh); Desiree (red meat) and others (Timate, Roseval, Diamond ...). Asexual propagation is by tubers formed on the ends of runners at the end of the growth period of the aerial part. Seed tubers may have different ratings. To save the cost of seed, it is preferable to use 50 grams of tubers. Where available tubers are large in size (80 g), the amount of seed required for ha is of the order of 4 tons. For the use of large tubers (80- 120 g), can be cut into two or three pieces provided to take the necessary measures to protect, namely a dip cut pieces in a fungal solution and use Quick, planting the seed field. The plantation is direct; no nursery. The growing season is installed in February-March, with production in June The culture of real season starts in May with production in autumn (October). The back end culture starts in August and ends in December. The premiere of culture starts in October for a production in January. Semen used must be certified, having been stored at 2- 3 ° C and 85-90% RH before its pre-germination. A month before planting, seed storage conditions should be as follows: 10- 12 ° C in a ventilated, lit, 90% RH. Before using the seed, it is necessary to check the status of tubers and to conduct an index to eliminate the diseased seed. The arrangement of plants in the field is as follows: 60- 70 cm between rows x 25- 35 cm between tubers in the row. The planting depth is 10 cm. The seed must be placed at the bottom of furrows dug by machine or by undermining. The seed needs amount to 500 kg / ha if using tubers of 3 cm in diameter (10-15 g / tuber); ton / ha for tubers of 3.5 cm in diameter (18-20 g / tuber); 2.5 t / ha for tubers of 4.5 cm in diameter (50 g / tuber) and 4 t / ha of seed of 5.5 cm in diameter (80 g / tuber). The planting density is generally 45,000 to 50,000 plants per ha.
Culture preferred continuous operation of water supply (80 to 100% SEM). In the case of an imposed drought, it is recommended that at least three extra irrigation in mid-growth (40 JAP), the tuber (55-60 JAP) and early enlargement of tubers (75- 80 JAP). It is desired to bring the soil to regularly its field capacity.
Working soil maintenance and fertilization of culture:
A month before planting is carried out deep tillage and buries the basal dressing (20-30 t of manure / ha + 50 kg N / ha + 150 kg P2O5 / ha + 200 kg K2O / ha). It is advisable to 2-3 hoeing during the growing season (never in times of tuber) and 2 buttages to prevent greening of tubers and protect against mildew and moths. The buttages can be made at the stage mid growth and two weeks later. At the same time, the coverage of fertilizer can be made to the dose of 30 kg N / ha K2O + 30 kg / ha (mid growth) and 50 kg K2O / ha at the beginning magnification tubers. Culture is also quite demanding in magnesium and tolerant to salinity (below 3 mmohs / cm is not harmful).
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The large tubers cut seed should be used immediately after cutting. Treatment with Tiram, for example, is desired in the event of slow use. Mildew is the most dreaded disease in case of sprinkler irrigation or heavy rain wetting the foliage over a long period. The use of anti mildew products is necessary as a preventive measure (Anteor, for example). Other enemies of culture are, in general, aphids can cause viral diseases (treated by pirimor, for example), leafminer (different insecticides are of common use, such as karate, decis ...) and nematodes (soil sterilization is very expensive and does not justify its use on potatoes; it is recommended to adopt an effective rotation: the culture of Solanaceae, in the same botanical family of the potato must not go back on the same plot before five years).
Harvesting, handling product and good storage conditions:
15 days before harvest, it is recommended to turn off the water to the parcel in order to promote maturation and prepare for the harvest. This may be manual or mechanized. The aerial part of the plant can be destroyed by a sulfuric acid spray diluted to 10% (1000 liters of solution / ha). The condition of the skin of the tubers must be examined before the harvest; it must be thick enough to ensure good protection against tuber injuries and wounds. It is best to use the hook to dig up the tubers; undermining causes injuries and reduces the marketability of the product. The yield varies from 15 to 50 t / ha depending on the variety, season and production conditions. The national average is around 17-18 t / ha. The tubers should be stored, first in a ventilated area at 12 ° C for two weeks, then transferred to a cold room (2- 3 ° C), dark and well ventilated. The darkness is important; light causes the germination of tubers.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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