lundi 3 août 2015


The culture of chervil
  Chervil (Cerfolium sativum L Bess or Scandix cerefolium or Chaerophyllum sativum Lam) or Chervil (in English) is an annual plant. The Chaerophyllium bulbosum is a biennial plant. Chervil is native to the Mediterranean and belongs to the Umbelliferae family. The consumed part is the leaf. The essential oil is extracted from seeds. The plant is an herb (plant condiment), aromatic and medicinal use (against eczema and for the proper functioning of the kidneys). The leaf is diuretic and stimulant. In Morocco, the culture is practiced everywhere but in small areas for commercial reasons.
Ecological requirements:
  The same as for parsley (see datasheet parsley).
Plant varieties and culture:
  The known varieties are chervil, simply chervil and chervil curled. Sowing is live (there are 400-500 seeds / gram seed). The annual crop is even the type bulb (botanically biennial). For high leaf production, it is advisable to sow in July (not spring). The seed rate is 70- 80 grams of seeds / 1000 linear meters. The arrangement between plants after thinning, is 0.3- 0.4 mx 0.05 m (row crop) or 1 m between rows and 3-4 cups per bowl (spaced at 10- 20 cm) x 5 cm between plants in the row (for a culture of boards or troughs).
Maintenance culture:
  Irrigating the crop establishment, at flowering and after each cut. It provides 200 + 60 + 150 kg / ha of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively. The contribution of N fractionated in 2-3 times. For weeding, emergent, Amex is used 820 (6 l / ha) and Prowl (3 l / ha). In post-emergence, w1 is used weedkiller (500 l / ha). Chervil is generally not susceptible to diseases. It should still pay attention to rust, mildew, powdery mildew, the damping-off, the aphids and ringworm. Treated with conventional products with the supplier's requirements.
  Are harvested in September and November at ground level, at the stage transfer of the base of the leaves to yellow. Using the same mower as chives. Harvesting the seeds (for essential oil) is performed again green stage (early ripening seeds, with a maximum oil content). Drying is carried out in the same manner as parsley and tarragon. The yield obtained is 7-8 fresh T / ha / cut (x 2 cups / year) or 1-1.5 T sec / ha / cut (all comers) or 0.5-0.7 T Dry leaves / ha / cutting, after separating leaves - stems.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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