lundi 3 août 2015


Cultivation of pepper

Pepper (Capsicum annum L) is an annual plant that belongs to the nightshade family. Peppers are native to Mexico and Central America. Taste, nutritional and dietary qualities of the fruit are excellent. It contains 10 to 13% dry matter, 4 to 6% sugars 1.5 to 2% of proteins and large amounts of inorganic salts, especially potassium salts, and vitamins, especially vitamin C. Peppers are 4-5 times more vitamin C than lemon. The culture of pepper is fairly widespread in Morocco, especially in the Souss region, as well as in coastal areas and Sais. It allows a production in two periods: November - mid-January and March - late May During the end of the period from January to March, production is low while demand is high.
Soil and climatic requirements:
The requirements of heat pepper are larger than those of the tomato. Its optimum growth is 24 ° C. Its vegetative zero is 8 ° C, but the plant growth slows down at temperatures below 13 ° C. Peppers are very sensitive to low temperatures. Temperatures above 35 ° C reduces the fruiting and photosynthesis. The requirements of the light in culture are very large. In orchards or under the banana sub-green, pepper does not give satisfactory yields. As regards the photoperiod, pepper is a long-day plant. Peppers are very demanding in soil quality. Its requirements are larger than those of the tomato. The preferred soil has the following characteristics: deep, well-drained, warm and well supplied with humus and nutrients easily assimilable. Light soils are suitable for the scoop culture; cool soils, sand-clay are suitable for growing season. Peppers over fears that the acidity of soil alkalinity. The optimum is to a pH of 6.5 - 7. The pepper is strong demand in soil moisture. It must have 80-85% moisture in order to obtain good yields .. When the relative humidity is low (below 60%) and the temperature is raised, the fruit do not grow. The pepper quickly tired soil. It is very demanding in crop rotation. The rapid spread of many diseases prohibits monoculture. The best yields are obtained in virgin land or newly acquired, that have not been occupied by another solanaceous during the last 4 or 5 years. Peppers are a good previous crop for root vegetables.
Varieties, sowing, planting and soil work:
The varieties available in the Moroccan market are numerous (1 deviation lying: Andalus, Marconi, Belconi, the 2- cottelé (Bell type): Yolo Wonder, Capistrano, Hybell, Bell Captain, King Arther, Murango, 3- net type: Hy Fry Biscayne, Gypsy, Sweet Wax, Red Cherry). The choice of a variety must be made according to the characteristics of the area (soil and climatic conditions market crop cycle length ...). Multiplying the pepper plant is exclusively through even in field crops (season or scoop). The plants must be produced in order to be successful nursery culture. This nursery can be a great Canarian tunnel or greenhouse, good waterproof, warm, airy during the day, and ground covered with plastic mulch. A ha requires approximately 250- 300 grams of seeds. There 150-200 seeds / gram of seed. The germination of the seeds will keep for 4-5 years. It is recommended to sow enough power plants to replace missing on the same date plantation. Sowing takes place in egg flats, at the rate of one seed per cell. These cells are filled with black peat. For one hectare, you need 250-300 bags of 18 kg of peat. After planting, make sure to cover the trays with plastic film of 20 microns. This film will be removed immediately at the onset of emerging seedlings. It should also ensure the protection of seeds in the cells against rats and mice by treating the nursery by a rat poison. Sowing dates are based on the period of production. In the field, for early, planting dates ranging from August to February in the region of Agadir in January-February and the rest of the Atlantic coast. In the growing season, planting ranges from late January to late March especially in the interior regions of the country. Back season, sowing takes place in June-July. Planting takes place in final position generally 1-2 months after sowing in cold periods and 15-25 days in the warm period, the 2-3 true leaf stage. During the month before planting is carried out deep plowing to 35 cm; cover-cropage to break clods; grading if necessary; spreading and burying the basal dressing (organic and inorganic) over the entire area; establishment of windbreaks; tracing planting lines. Planting takes place when the plants reach the 2-3 leaf stage, or sometimes if sowing takes place in pots, the apparent flower bud stage, 50 to 60 days after sowing. Just before planting; is carried out irrigation to moisten the soil to a depth of 30 to 40 cm. The dimensions of spacings and distances are as follows: 1 st between simple lines 0.4- x 0.5 m between plants or from 1.20 to 1.50 m between twin (the twin 0.3- 0.5 m 0.4- and 0.5 m between plants in the row). The planting density is 20,000 and 22,000 plants / ha. The missing should be replaced immediately after the restart.
Irrigation and tending:
The needs of the crop are around 400 mm during the growing season and 200-400 mm during the pickings or 600-800 mm / cycle. The essential aim of any irrigation system is to make available to the plant the amount of water needed for its timely needs. Any error in irrigation has serious consequences on production since the restorative power of the roots of pepper is low. To ensure a normal restoration of roots and a good recovery plant, proceed as follows: On irrigated immediately after planting and irrigation is stopped. The plant begins to show symptoms of thirst, especially at noon, but it is not a problem. One must carefully observe the behavior of plants: the restoration of root starts when the dark green color of the leaves back. It was then at that time it takes to bring the second irrigation. In case of extreme heat, do not let the plant dry out; it is recommended to water by slight irrigation, especially in sandy soil. Between the first 2 irrigations, do not hoe in order not to disturb the root system. Starting from the second irrigation, watering should always be rare until the full bloom or irrigation becomes normal. At this stage, all water deficit may cause yield losses. As for tending, staking aims to support fruit-bearing branches, allowing a correct exposure of leaves to the light and limitation of production losses by breakage. The staking operation is to put either side stakes planting lines exceeding the floor of 0.6- 1 m distant from each other of 1,5 m to 2 m. It must be attached to those stakes, parallel to the planting line, two-stage reed or string, respectively 35- and 60- 40 cm to 80 cm As the development of the plant. Trellising is to place the plants between the stakes and string or reed to support and avoid that they fall under the weight of fruit. Disbudding involves the removal of axillary buds growing on the main stem as and with the development of the plant. Disbudding is the morning when the shoots are still brittle and repeated following the pace to give the plant. The stripping is to remove the basal leaves touching the ground or nonfunctional older leaves. Is begun as soon as the first stripping leaves turn yellow, allowing better ventilation of the base of the plant.
  The basal dressing recommended in most soils in average wealth is: rotted manure 40-50 t / ha; N: 100 kg / ha in the form of ammonium sulfate or urea; P: 150 kg / ha as supertriple 45%; K: 120-150 kg / ha in the form of sulphate of potash or KCl unless strong soil salinity. Pepper requires a large amount of mineral and organic fertilizer. It does not support the recent manure. Rather, it gives good results when manure is well rotted. Pepper needs depend on its vegetative stage. There are 3 different Stages: The first stage lasts about 10 weeks after planting. It is characterized by a slow growth and low needs minerals. The second stage also lasts 10 weeks and is characterized by rapid growth and early production. During this period the mineral elements are important requirements. The third stage, lasting 10 to 15 weeks, this intense activity of growth and production (70% of the total harvest). During this period, mineral elements in consumption is highest. In general, culture is ferti-irrigated. Suitable nutrient solutions have the following respective balances as stadiums cited: 1-1-1; 1-0,5-1,2 and 1-0,2-2,5. Thirty kg of nitrogen per decade are given / ha. The other elements are calculated based on N.
Crop protection:
The nursery should be well maintained: the fight against moth larvae (Insecticides based on Endosulfan, Methamidophos of Methomyl or) against aphids (Pirimicarb, Isolane, dimethoate, methomyl) and rodents (poisoned bait). Treatments with fungicides maneb, mancozeb or similar products can be used to prevent certain fungal attacks. It is recommended to fight against the major pathogens of preventive treatments. In particular culture must be protected against powdery mildew, gray mold (Botrytis cinerea), mites in hot weather, late blight, Rhizoctonia and sunburn (in strong stripping). The treatment products available on the market; use rates are specified on the packaging.
Fruits are firmly attached to the plant; it is recommended to use a knife or pruning shears for harvesting. It takes place at the stadium green unripe fruit varieties for fresh and mature varieties for Industry (Niora for manufacturing paprika). Harvesting should be carried out regularly in order to promote the fruiting branches. The number of green pickings can reach 15-20 times. He pickups red 2-3 times. Yield will vary greatly depending on the variety, region of production, the type of culture and maintenance. It can reach 20 T 2-3 pickings, 40 T for field crops and 80 T for greenhouse growing.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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