Chives (Allium schoenoprasum L) is a perennial plant of the allium family (or lily). It is native to Asia. It is different from spring onions. In English, it is called Chive. The consumed part is the leaf; is an herb (the plant is condiment). Chives are used fresh, frozen, after drying or after extraction of the oil seeds. The leaf is rich in vitamin C and has stimulant, antiseptic, healing and cardiac. It is used in dietetics. In Morocco, the culture is practiced in the Gharb.
Soil and climatic requirements:
Chives has the same requirements as the onion (onion see datasheet): hardy, cold season, resistant to frost and drought.
Plant varieties and culture:
It is the local variety (common chives) is the best known. It also uses the following varieties: Treibnoris, Grolan and Wielan. The culture remains in place 2-4 years. Propagation is by fragments tufts taken from old mother plants. Sowing is done directly (4- 6 kg seed / ha) or nursery (precision seeding: 300 grams / 200 m2 nursery / ha of land). It takes place in March-April. There 750-850 seeds per gram of seed. Stocking density is 200,000 plants / ha (in lines: 30 cm x 15 cm cuvettes or 1.4 m wide and 3 rows spaced 30 cm). Planting takes place 30-45 days after sowing in the nursery. If sowing is direct, it must proceed by sowing in seed holes (2-3 seeds / hole) and after thinning (plants allowed 1-2 / hole).
Maintenance culture:
It should irrigate just before sowing or planting and after each cut. In winter, it brings 120 kg / ha of P2O5 and 200 kg / ha of K2O. From the spring, it brings 100 kg / ha of N in April-May and 60- 80 kg N / ha after each cut. Weeding should be done regularly. As preemergence herbicide is used Ramrod L (9 l / ha). In post-emergence, is applied Tribunil (2 kg / ha). Treated with maneb against rust leek, by iprodione, benomyl against botrytis. Conventional treatments are against mildew (Anteor), Alternaria, coal and leek moth.
Harvesting and drying:
When sown in March-April, one can get a small harvest in autumn; it is best to avoid this harvest which may exhaust the plant. From the 2nd year, are harvested from June to late October (5-6 cups / year). The plant at ground level is cut. One can use a wagon mower rotary cutter. Care is taken to remove the flower stalks if one is not interested in seed production and crop residues (favoring botrytis). The average yield is 3 T fresh / ha / cut (300- or 400 kg dry). In June, the seeds can be harvested (350-400 kg / ha).
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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