lundi 3 août 2015


The cultivation of orka

Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L) or (okra in English) or Greek horn, is an annual plant, originally from Ethiopia (Africa). It belongs to the botanical family Malvaceae. The consumed part is the fruit (young and tender). The vegetable diet is nutritious and it is rich in vitamin A, Ca and P. In Morocco, the main production regions are Ouarzazate El Jadida and Casa.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is hot season, very demanding to heat, light and moisture. Seeds do not germinate below 15 ° C (soil temperature optimum: 20 ° C). Germination requires 17 days at 20 ° C, 13 d at 25 ° This 7 days at 30 ° C. The optimum for the growth of 26- 28 ° C. Requirements are low soil; Culture prefers sandy soil. Land sand-clay, not too wet or cold, are suitable for cultivation. The optimum pH of the soil is of 6 to 6.8.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Emerald, Clemson spineless (reference variety, fixed), Annie Oakley F1. The spread is sexual. The pollinated by insects. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 12-15. The nursery is commonly used in the USA. In Morocco, the multiplication is done exclusively by direct seeding definitive establishment. The sowing date for a spring crop is February-March (dates tailored for Tadla) and June-July for the fall crop. Germination is slow, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water overnight before planting; it must be quickly performed the next day. The arrangement of plants in the field is 80 cm x 60 cm between ridges between bunches of 3-4 seeds in the row. The need for seed is 20-22 kg / ha. It performs a thinning at the 2-3 leaf stage, leaving only a well-developed plant per hill. Planting density (after thinning) is 20,000 to 22,000 plants / ha.
Water needs are high during the growing and harvest approaches. We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with moderate irrigation. Two to three hoeing-weeding are necessary as well as regular watering along the crop cycle.
The basal dressing consists of 50 t / ha manure + N + 40 kg 80 kg 40 kg K2O + P2O5 / ha. This coverage includes 20 kg N + 30 kg + 20 kg P2O5 K2O / ha per intake. Stages fertilizer application are second to third leaf stage 20 days after beginning fruiting and full pickings.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds (we can apply a pre-emergent herbicide), insects (crickets, cutworms, wireworms, whitefly, leaf miner and aphids), nematodes, diseases (late blight, verticillium, Fusarium , pithium, Rhizoctonia). You have to respect crop rotation (no okra gumbo or after tomato or eggplant).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins a few days after fruit set. The pickings daily and must be routed to the market or to an industrial unit. The best quality is a tender fruit, small. The harvest begins 5-6 days after the onset of the flower. The first fruit is harvested 2 months after planting. The national average yield is 12-15 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
For storage of one week, the best storage conditions are: 7- 10 ° C and 90-95% RH. The vegetables must be sold as quickly as possible without conservation. The same post harvest care given to the net beans are also needed to okra. The local conservation should be well ventilated and not containing melon, bananas, apples or other products that produce ethylene.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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