The Coriander

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual plant with taproots. It belongs to the family of Umbelliferae. The origin of the plant is probably the Mediterranean. The seed contains more than 0.7% essential oil. The seeds produced in Morocco are among the favorite even if they contain little essential oil. The main criterion of quality is the clarity and good appearance of the seeds and their bright, uniform color. The seeds are accepted for torn cilantro to be milled. Coriander has the following properties: carminative, stomachic and exciting. It is indicated for painful digestions, spasms, the acrophagie and nervous fatigue. Coriander is also used in the synthesis of vitamin A. coriander oil is used in perfumery in the manufacture of cosmetics. In Morocco, the culture is practiced all over the country, but to small areas.
Soil and climatic requirements:
This plant grows in the temperate regions, soil all, especially sandy, but well maintained so that weeds do not invade. Coriander is influenced mainly by the rental site or precisely the latitude. It has been reported that in extreme cold and a short growing season exceptionally Norway and Siberia, we get a good yield of volatile oil, higher than in many countries in central and southern Europe. The best yields were obtained in fresh and quite humid summers. Studies have shown that the coriander plant is slightly affected by the light by temperature. However, the environment affects the vegetation period, the yield of fruits, total volatile oil content and the content of the fruit in linalool. Coriander prefers healthy soils, compact, whether sandy or clayey. It also prefers calcareous soils, permeable, fresh, well prepared and sunny. She vegetating in acid soils; its resistance to cold is greater than that of Anis.
Varieties, planting and tillage:
The varieties used in Morocco are fixed and local varieties. Sowing is directly final planting in rows spaced 50 to 60 cm. Then we must clarify that the plants are about 20 cm from each other. One can also proceed by division of clumps in spring or autumn. The dose of the most appropriate sowing is 12 kg / ha. It ranges from 7-28 kg / ha depending on the variety and countries. The work is classic ground (tillage and cover crop; making ridges or troughs in undermining).
Irrigation and tending:
The water needs of culture resemble those of lettuce. Water supplies must be regular and must follow the increasing vigor of the plant. Weeding is the most important care for culture. For the control of weeds, several herbicides are used to coriander: Propanil 3-4 kg / ha post-emergence; the Trifluralin to 2 kg / ha preemergence combined linuron to 2 kg / ha (post-emergence). Other herbicide give satisfactory results (Simazine and Prometyne).
The following fertilization plan is recommended: 20 t / ha manure + 50-100 kg / ha of N; From 30 to 60 kg / ha of P2O5 and 60 kg / ha K2O. Nitrogen and potash are usually split into two or three inputs according to the character of the soil leaching.
Diseases and pests and control methods:
Two major diseases can be considered for this culture: (1) the gall coriander stalks (the pathogen is Protomyces macrosporus; to fight, we must adopt methods of certifications including the examination of seed wash water ). (2) bacterial blight (causal agent is Pseudomonas sp inflorescences that infects and causes the decline of coriander seed).
Harvest and storage:
The harvest begins in Morocco in early July. It involves trimming umbels gradually as the fruit ripens; the stems are dried and suspended in a well ventilated and shaded place; then tap on the stems to drop seeds. These are then stored in thermal containers. The seed yields vary from 120 to 1700 kg / ha. Vegetable does not retain more than a few days under conditions of 0 ° C 95% RH. Its preservation for a long term requires its transformation (wash, cut into small pieces, mix with salt and packaging in glass jars in the fridge).
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
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