lundi 3 août 2015


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪watermelon‬‏
The cultivation of watermelon

  Watermelon (Citrulus aedulis Pang) is an annual plant, native to tropical Africa, belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. The consumed part is the ripe fruit whose nutritional value is high; it is rich in Vitamin B1, B2, A, C, Biotin and minerals: S, Mg and S. The fruit is used for medicinal purposes (kidney and urinary tract cleansing). In Morocco, the watermelon is grown in the Souss Massa, Marrakech, Loukkos and Sais.
Soil and climatic requirements:
  The culture is very demanding to heat and light. Some varieties are indifferent to day length, but always suitable for long days of culture. The same requirements of cucurbits temperature, light, moisture and soil remain valid for watermelon; it is somewhat more demanding in heat as melon and zucchini.
Varieties, sowing, planting and soil work:
  There are two types: (1) fruit with seeds (Sangria Fiesta, Calsweet, Royal Sweet F1, Sultan, Sweet Baby, Baby Doll, Baby Tiger, Sugar Baby, Early Canada, Klondike Blue Ribbon, Klondike Strillé ...) and (2) the type seedless (triploid: Nova, Laurel, Fire Cracker, Ultra Cool). Sowing, planting, tillage are identical to those of squash. We can do a pre-germination of seeds before sowing (soaking overnight), but then the seedlings must be immediate next day on earth well moistened. The arrangement of the plants is 2 mx 1 m between bunches.
Irrigation and tending:
  Irrigation should be regular to get a good return. In favorable bour, culture is possible without irrigation or with one or two extra irrigations (mid-growth and fruit magnification). It is not practical size or pinch the plant. Two to three hoeing-weeding are often necessary to remove weeds.
  Basically, we supply 40 t / ha manure + 60 kg / ha of N + 120 kg / ha + 80 kg P2O5 / ha of K2O. Cover, once we bring at the last hoeing 20 kg / ha of N + 40 kg / ha of P 2 O 5 + 40 kg / ha of K2O.
Pest control:
  The fight against aphids is classic (use malathion); Slugs (to treat Pyrellin) to various (Decis), spider (Keltane), cabbage maggot (Karate), powdery mildew (topaz), mildew (Anteor).
Refer to melons (yield: 30-40 t / ha).

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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