lundi 3 août 2015


Cultures chicory
(Chicory and endive)

Chicory are vegetable plants, botany composite family (Asteraceae). They are grouped into two classes: (1) leaved endives (Cychorium endivia L) presented by two differentiated races: curly endive and escarole chicory (much like the leafy lettuce, which is an annual plant, but that behaves as a biennial plant, amount cold condition by seed) and (2) or the bitter wild chicory (Cychorium intybus L) which are perennials, acting also as biennials in their culture and bringing together two types of crops: type 1, containing the bitter chicory (Capuchin beard) toothed leaves and cut and witloof (apple tight leaves) and type 2 containing the chicory (consumption of roots prepared coffee substitute powder). The consumed parts therefore differ from one type to another (for leaf and curly endive escarole, apple for witloof (endive) after laundering and withering of the root in order to separate the apple and dried roots and roasted for chicory coffee). The origin of chicory is not known with certainty; probably it is India or the Mediterranean. The vegetable is nutritious and has various medicinal uses. It is rich in vitamin A, Ca, P and Iron. In Morocco, chicory are only produced by amateurs in their family garden.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season. The seeds (600 seeds / g) germinate well to a soil temperature of 12- 15 ° C. The optimum for vegetative growth of 25- 28 ° C with short days. When the temperature is below 15 ° C for a period of time (a few weeks) for the wild-type (witloof, Capuchin beard and chicory), vernalization is triggered and bolting is premature, especially in conditions long days. Requirements are specific to the lights need photoperiod: chicory are long-day plants for bolting (after vernalization) but short day for their vegetation. The soil requirements are low (same requirements as lettuce).
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are: For curly endive, there is the fine Louvier, Ruffec, Saint Lorent, Olivet. For leaved endives, there is the big Curly, vegetable giant, the Cornet d'Anjou and Winter Vars. To chicory (bitter), we find populations witloof and Capuchin beard (variety selection is only massal; diversity is high in seed lots currently marketed by grainières houses Propagation is sexual.. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 600. The nursery is commonly used by gardeners in Morocco (see lettuce). Direct seeding is also possible. The sowing date for winter production from June to September. It March to May is for a production of The seedlings were made in autumn or early spring presents the risk of vernalization and bolting;.. the nursery must be protected under glass or warm layer must activate germination seeds maintaining where possible a temperature of 18- 20 ° C and a humidity of soil to its field capacity. The lifting is then rapid (4-5 days after sowing). With 1- 1.5 kg seeds were can plant a hectare of land. Before planting, it is recommended to dress seedlings (shortening of the ends of leaves and some roots). For direct seeding, we need 2- 2.5 kg of seed and clarify the 4-5 leaf stage. The arrangement of plants in the field is the same as for lettuce.
Water requirements are low during the growing and high on the approach of the harvest. We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with moderate irrigation. Two to three hoeing-weeding are necessary as well as regular watering along the crop cycle. Water supplies are of the order of 300-400 mm / crop cycle.
The basal dressing consists of 30 t / ha manure + 30- 40 kg N + 120 kg P2O5 + 60- 100- 120 kg K2O / ha. This coverage is usually neglected; you can bring 30 kg N / ha one month after emergence if the soil is poor.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds, insects (fly endive, Moth, wireworms, aphids and mites), bacterial blight, fungal diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust, pithium, Rhizoctonia ). The physiological diseases are brown axis (Ca deficiency), blue chicory (excess iron) bullet (low relative humidity in the storage location), red endive (exposure to light) and roots Asses wide open (gel or alternating drought-irrigation).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins three months after sowing. Harvesting is carried out as for lettuce. The national average yield is around 30-40 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation and forcing (or bleaching)
For escarole and curly endive, full leaf development, we can proceed to money, that is to say it binds the leaves and raffia they are covered by a black plastic or burlap for one to two weeks in order to deprive them of light and reduce their green color. For witloofs and beard of a Capuchin, the plants are pulled and performs a soak leaving uprooted plants intact. After a few days, the leaves are cut to 1 cm 2 of the collar. It keeps the roots fitted apples in forcing layers, heap (1m x 2m x 10 m) or silo ventilated obscure. The yield obtained was 15-30 t / ha of roots with bulge. One to two weeks later (if the ambient temperature is high, one week is enough), the roots are removed, selected and carried forcing cellar, without light for the Capuchin beard and forcing ground (in trenches in the ground) for witloof. To accelerate the process of forcing the local heating (sometimes, is deposited on the roots manure layers emitting heat). We cover the roots with soil. Forcing causes withering of the reduced stem and separates the root of the apple to consume. After the forcing, the roots are cut off easily and is obtained apple witloof or a good quality capuchin beard.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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