lundi 3 août 2015


Culture artichoke

The artichoke (Cynara scolymus L) is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean. It belongs to the botanical family of Compositae. The part consumed is the floral receptacle and part of the flower stalk. The vegetable is nutritious, it is rich in vitamins, Ca, potassium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. In Morocco, the main production regions are the Gharb, Lower Moulouya, Sais and Haouz.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season with demanding soil moisture, more than the cardoon. The optimum for the growth of 18- 20 ° C. Too high or too low temperatures are harmful to the training of heads and normal plant growth. The soil requirements are low but the culture prefers deep soil, medium texture. The sand-clay soils, non-calcareous, not salty, not too moist, well-drained, are suitable for cultivation. The optimum pH of the soil is of 6 to 6.8.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco Hyérosis White, purple Algiers Salanquet and the Imperial Star (which is propagated by seed). The spread is usually asexual (except for the Imperial Star, which is propagated by seed, seed number per gram of seed is 20-25). This multiplication has the major drawback of the plant population heterogeneity regarding plant vigor and earliness of production. Propagation is by eyecups (stem portion, 30- 40 cm long, strong force, with heel and collected in February-March) or by Ovolos (axillary shoots undergoing drying up and is used in the dry state) or stem fragments (fragments vigorous stem). Propagation is also in-vitro (selection and sanitation plants). Planting date can be performed in July-August for a fall production or September to October for production in the spring. The productions of the following years (for a culture over several years) are generally shifted in time since a heterogeneous population and selection of successors releases is always with a delay of one year to the next. Culture can be conducted as an annual crop; Planting must be renewed annually. The mode of action depends mainly on the availability of good quality plants. The arrangement of plants in the field is 1- 1.2 m between rows x 1 m between plants in the row. The population density is 8,000 to 10,000 plants / ha.
Water requirements are high (1,500-2,000 mm / cycle). We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with regular irrigation (watering twenty / cycle). Two to three hoeing-weeding are needed annually.
The basal dressing consists of 20-40 t / ha manure + 50 kg N + 150 kg P2O5 + 150 kg K2O / ha. This coverage includes 50 kg N + 10 kg + 30 kg P2O5 K2O / ha per intake. x 4 inputs. Stages fertilizer application are second to third leaf stage early training heads, 1st harvest and mid-harvest. The culture is also challenging Sulphur and Magnesium. An intake of 50- 100 kg of S and 20- 40 kg Mg / ha often prove necessary.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds (we can apply a pre-emergent herbicide), insects (moth, spruce budworm and aphids), nematodes, diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, Antracnose, bacterial blight ...) and viruses (artichoke latent virus, Virus X of the potato, dwarfism, mosaic and witch ballet). You have to respect crop rotation (no cardoon or artichoke after composacée).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins at the stage of full development heads who must bear a part of the stalk. The national average yield is 10-15 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
For storage of one week, the best storage conditions are: 1- 2 ° C and 90-95% RH. The vegetable should be sold as soon as possible, if possible without conservation. If it is necessary to store production, local conservation needs to be well ventilated and lighted to safeguard chlorophyll flower heads.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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