lundi 3 août 2015


Cabbage crops
The cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L or var. Sabauda L), the cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var Botrytis L), Brussels sprouts or Brussel Sprout, English (Brassica oleracea var gemifera L), cabbage broccoli (Brassica oleracea var Italica L) and kohlrabi, Kolrhabi, in English, (Brassica oleracea var gongylodes L) are biennial plants, originating in Northern Europe and belonging to the cruciferous family. The part consumed is the apple for cabbage (sheets stacked on top of each other petioles + reduced), the inflorescence for the cauliflower and broccoli, basal bulge in the stem for the kohlrabi and axillary buds for the Brussels sprouts. The nutritional value of cabbage is very high. Sprouts are rich in Vitamins C, carotene, minerals, sugars and proteins. The wide variety of sprouts is the source of its many names (Beijing cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Savoy cabbage, red cabbage in addition to the names already mentioned). In Morocco, sprouts are well known and grown in all regions. Low flow capabilities of the products is the cause of small areas reserved for farming culture.
Soil and climatic requirements:
All sprouts have the same ecological requirements (see Broccoli cabbage). The plant is cold season, very rustic and very resistant to cold and snow for over two weeks.
Varieties, sowing, planting, tillage and other cultivation operations:
For the cabbage, the known varieties are F1 Head Star, Pacifica, Discovery, Charming, Pirimero, Red Rookie Express, Nantais hasty, Balacan. Examples of varieties of red cabbages, head: hatif Red, Dark Red Erfurt. Examples of varieties of cabbage Milan: Early Position of Saint John, Virtues, Aubervillier. Examples of varieties of cauliflower: Rolls snow, Nain Erfurt, Giant Danish, Norman, late Naples Giant. Examples of kohlrabi varieties: White hatif Vienna, Violet hasty Vienna. Examples of varieties of Brussels sprouts: Dwarf Lyon, Half Dwarf Hall, Jade Cross. The work of soil and plant crops is done in the same manner as those of cabbage broccoli. All other cultivation operations are the same as those carried on Cabbage Broccoli.
The harvest is manual. More harvest is early, the lesser are the organs to be harvested (apples for cabbage or inflorescences for broccoli sprouts and cauliflower or swelling at the base of the shaft for the kohlrabi or magnification axillary buds for cabbage Brussels). The yield of early crops does not exceed 15-20 t / ha. That of late crops (harvested organs well completed) exceeds 60-70 T / ha for cabbage and 30 t / ha for cauliflower and kohlrabi. Brussels cabbage gives nearly 4-10 tons / ha in the best conditions. The inflorescences of cauliflower must be protected against high temperatures by the outer leaves of cabbage, otherwise they lose their quality (white, dense flowers). If the harvest is late, harvested parts become fibrous and lose quality.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


Cultures chicory
(Chicory and endive)

Chicory are vegetable plants, botany composite family (Asteraceae). They are grouped into two classes: (1) leaved endives (Cychorium endivia L) presented by two differentiated races: curly endive and escarole chicory (much like the leafy lettuce, which is an annual plant, but that behaves as a biennial plant, amount cold condition by seed) and (2) or the bitter wild chicory (Cychorium intybus L) which are perennials, acting also as biennials in their culture and bringing together two types of crops: type 1, containing the bitter chicory (Capuchin beard) toothed leaves and cut and witloof (apple tight leaves) and type 2 containing the chicory (consumption of roots prepared coffee substitute powder). The consumed parts therefore differ from one type to another (for leaf and curly endive escarole, apple for witloof (endive) after laundering and withering of the root in order to separate the apple and dried roots and roasted for chicory coffee). The origin of chicory is not known with certainty; probably it is India or the Mediterranean. The vegetable is nutritious and has various medicinal uses. It is rich in vitamin A, Ca, P and Iron. In Morocco, chicory are only produced by amateurs in their family garden.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season. The seeds (600 seeds / g) germinate well to a soil temperature of 12- 15 ° C. The optimum for vegetative growth of 25- 28 ° C with short days. When the temperature is below 15 ° C for a period of time (a few weeks) for the wild-type (witloof, Capuchin beard and chicory), vernalization is triggered and bolting is premature, especially in conditions long days. Requirements are specific to the lights need photoperiod: chicory are long-day plants for bolting (after vernalization) but short day for their vegetation. The soil requirements are low (same requirements as lettuce).
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are: For curly endive, there is the fine Louvier, Ruffec, Saint Lorent, Olivet. For leaved endives, there is the big Curly, vegetable giant, the Cornet d'Anjou and Winter Vars. To chicory (bitter), we find populations witloof and Capuchin beard (variety selection is only massal; diversity is high in seed lots currently marketed by grainières houses Propagation is sexual.. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 600. The nursery is commonly used by gardeners in Morocco (see lettuce). Direct seeding is also possible. The sowing date for winter production from June to September. It March to May is for a production of The seedlings were made in autumn or early spring presents the risk of vernalization and bolting;.. the nursery must be protected under glass or warm layer must activate germination seeds maintaining where possible a temperature of 18- 20 ° C and a humidity of soil to its field capacity. The lifting is then rapid (4-5 days after sowing). With 1- 1.5 kg seeds were can plant a hectare of land. Before planting, it is recommended to dress seedlings (shortening of the ends of leaves and some roots). For direct seeding, we need 2- 2.5 kg of seed and clarify the 4-5 leaf stage. The arrangement of plants in the field is the same as for lettuce.
Water requirements are low during the growing and high on the approach of the harvest. We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with moderate irrigation. Two to three hoeing-weeding are necessary as well as regular watering along the crop cycle. Water supplies are of the order of 300-400 mm / crop cycle.
The basal dressing consists of 30 t / ha manure + 30- 40 kg N + 120 kg P2O5 + 60- 100- 120 kg K2O / ha. This coverage is usually neglected; you can bring 30 kg N / ha one month after emergence if the soil is poor.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds, insects (fly endive, Moth, wireworms, aphids and mites), bacterial blight, fungal diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust, pithium, Rhizoctonia ). The physiological diseases are brown axis (Ca deficiency), blue chicory (excess iron) bullet (low relative humidity in the storage location), red endive (exposure to light) and roots Asses wide open (gel or alternating drought-irrigation).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins three months after sowing. Harvesting is carried out as for lettuce. The national average yield is around 30-40 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation and forcing (or bleaching)
For escarole and curly endive, full leaf development, we can proceed to money, that is to say it binds the leaves and raffia they are covered by a black plastic or burlap for one to two weeks in order to deprive them of light and reduce their green color. For witloofs and beard of a Capuchin, the plants are pulled and performs a soak leaving uprooted plants intact. After a few days, the leaves are cut to 1 cm 2 of the collar. It keeps the roots fitted apples in forcing layers, heap (1m x 2m x 10 m) or silo ventilated obscure. The yield obtained was 15-30 t / ha of roots with bulge. One to two weeks later (if the ambient temperature is high, one week is enough), the roots are removed, selected and carried forcing cellar, without light for the Capuchin beard and forcing ground (in trenches in the ground) for witloof. To accelerate the process of forcing the local heating (sometimes, is deposited on the roots manure layers emitting heat). We cover the roots with soil. Forcing causes withering of the reduced stem and separates the root of the apple to consume. After the forcing, the roots are cut off easily and is obtained apple witloof or a good quality capuchin beard.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


Parsley culture

 parsley (Petroselinum hortenae Hoff) is widespread in all regions of the country. It is grown mainly for its leaves. The mild coastal climate is very favorable for intensive cultivation of parsley for the whole year, especially during winter and spring. Parsley is a biennial plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family. It is native to the Mediterranean.
Soil and climatic requirements:
Parsley resistant to cold; seedlings resistant to -9 ° C. However, they are not resistant to frost. Parsley leaf is more resistant to cold than large root parsley. The optimum growth temperature is between 15 and 18 ° C. The lift is very slow, from 18 to 30 days depending on regions, the season and the cold ground. The strong and continuous droughts hinder many normal seed germination and culture can sometimes remove completely. The optimum temperature for the germination of the ground is 24 ° C. Parsley has high light requirements. Parsley gives better yields on deep soil, fresh, clay-siliceous or silico-clay, as well as sand-lime rich soil humus and nutrients. It requires well-drained soil to optimal pH 6.5. Avoid heavy soils, cold, heavy clay or stony and manure pailleux.
Varieties, planting and soil work:
Varieties are classified by the authors into 2 groups (parsley greens, and parsley root), or 3 groups (parsley leaf, tuberous parsley and parsley ribs). (1) grown for its leaves parsley (Petroselinum hortenae var. Foliosum) includes the common parsley, it is the most fragrant and most cultivated in Morocco and double parsley or curly parsley, most used for decoration of the dish. (2) parsley Tuberous (Peroselinum hortenae var rapaceum) Hamburg parsley or parsley which includes big-late long root and parsley large root (early coarse) and (3) the side-parsley (grown for the petiole) example parsley celery leaves. Propagation is by direct seeding only. Soil preparation begins with deep plowing of 25-30 cm and then followed by a light harrowing, rolling to firm the soil; it is recommended to avoid planting in poorly ressuyé ground. Sowing can be done on the fly; it takes 15 kg of seed per hectare, and for online seedlings 8 to 10 kg / ha (75-80% germination capacity); interline distances 30-40 cm interplant 10-20 cm (after thinning). In Moroccan conditions, one can sow parsley - leafy all year, except during the driest months of summer. It is preferred to planting in autumn (September - Nov.) in winter (January-February) and in spring (April). Planting parsley in large roots may be in July - August Crop types depend on the harvested organ. All in all, the main difference in the distance between plants after thinning. This distance is of the order of 7 to 8 cm for leaf parsley and 15 cm for the tuberous parsley. It is recommended to mix the seeds of parsley with rapidly germinating seeds (radish, lettuce etc.). To facilitate removal, one can soak seeds 24 h in water at 15- 20 ° C, and let ressuyer 1 h before sowing.
Irrigation and tending:
Parsley is demanding soil moisture. Lack of moisture in the soil during the period of its development can be harmful and can decrease yields. Tending consist of hoeing in the fight against weeds, against which the parsley defended poorly at first. The soil should be kept moist throughout the growing.
The basal application is made well rotted manure (40 t / ha) + P (100 kg / ha of P 2 O 5 + Potash (250 kg / ha of K 2 O). The top dressing is reduced to one or two N inputs (2 x 40 kg / ha).
Major diseases and control methods:
Slugs and snails may cause significant damage; to fight, use poison baits. The celery caused by Septoria Septoria petroselinum is a widespread fungal disease; the treatment of culture should take into account the persistence of the products.
For parsley leaf, we made the cut sheets to 2 - 3 cm above the soil as and when required. The harvest begins in February-March for sowing from October to November. For February sowing, harvesting starts in April-May. The leaf yield is 5-8 tons / ha. For tuberous parsley were harvested in October, can be 2-3 harvests leaves during the growth to 1 to 1.5 months before harvesting root; the yield is 30-35 t / ha of roots.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II



Celery (Apium graveolens L) is a biennial plant, native to northern Europe and belonging to the botanical family Umbelliferae (Apiaceae or). Celery grown are from fragrant Ache encountered in marshy areas of Europe, in the Mediterranean countries, Asia, etc. . The consumed part is the rod, the side (or petiole developed certain varieties) and the sheet. In Morocco, celery is grown everywhere in small areas, such as lettuce, parsley, cilantro and radish.
Soil and climatic requirements:
This culture is very demanding in a cool and humid climate all its vegetation. Regions with late autumns are perfect him. The plant is cold season. Climate preferences are 8- 24 ° C for growth. Ribbed celery requires fresh soil loosened, deep and regularly irrigated. The sand-clay soils rich in organic matter best suited to celery. The soil pH is between 6.4 sought and 6.8.
  Varieties, sowing, planting and soil work:
Two forms of celery are grown: (1) The ribbed celery (Apium graveolens var Dulce DC.) Grown for its white ribs. This is the case of Plein Blanc and Pascal Dore Alley. (2) The smallage (Ordinary cutting curly Nain). Sowing is carried out from January to May, which allows for the production of June to the end of winter. Sowing of January-February are favored by the climate of coastal areas while those from March to May met in the interior plains of Morocco. Celery seeds germinate slowly, at least 15 to 20 days after sowing. If the seeding is performed at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C; germination starts after 10 to 12 days. In adverse conditions (low temperature, irregular and insufficient soil moisture), germination is delayed up to a month or more. Planting should be done in lines spaced 5 cm. The seeds are covered and lightly packed. It takes 300-400 grams of seed to plant a hectare. An audit of germination of seeds is always necessary before starting sowing. It is preferable for early production, making transplanting nursery at a distance of 6 to 8 cm in all directions. Planting is in simple lines or paired-row, with a distance of 40 to 60 cm between rows. The twin lines are separated by an interval of 80 cm, which is reserved to the removal of land for ridging and coastal laundering. Whatever the mode of planting, the distance between plants in the row is 40 cm. Plants should be transplanted without burying their collar. Planting is done by hand, by machine or planter. Transplants should be well watered and bounded.
  Irrigation and tending:
  Celery requires regular and copious irrigation throughout its vegetation until harvest. When fully grown celery plants, one proceeds to money, to make the most tender ribs, etiolated and tasty. The ribbed celery bleaching is done in different ways; the most accessible are: (1) It is related to the height leaves limbo with a strand of raffia; we made a start with the earth mounding to interline third of the height of the plants. A week later, we made a second hilling until the second third of the plants. (2) It crosses the field at 25- 30 cm deep, with 50-60 cm between rows; then transplanted plants at the bottom of the grooves; hilling is done using the earth teens and line spacing around the plants. (3) They pluck the celery with their roots and put them in a dark room, roots covered with earth.
It is recommended to bring 25-50 tons of manure per hectare. The amount of nitrogen is from 200 to 400 kg / ha, split into 2 to 4 times between planting and harvest. Phosphorus must be brought to 100 to 160 kg / ha. The amount of potassium is recommended from 200 to 300 units per hectare.
Pest control:
•  The leaves are blistered, shrivel and die.
•  The Stems are "eaten", the plant withers and dies.
• Traces of drool around plants
• The leaves are covered with brown spots.
• The leaves turn yellow, turn brown and dry up.
• Young plants die, the roots may discolor and become brown rougâtres.
• The celery heart turns brown, becomes sticky and rots.
• The plant shrivels, the leaves become twisted and become covered with brown spots.
- Fly Celery

- Larvae of carrot fly
- Slugs and snails
- Rust

- Mildew

- Damping

- Celery heart rot
- Virus Arabis mosaic
- Malathion

- Chlorfenthion or arlorfenvinphos
- metaldehyde
- Thiram (seeds) or warm water
- Copper Product or avoid overwatering.
- Thiram, Captan or Zineb

- metaldehyde

- Avoid infested land

  Harvest and storage:
  Harvesting ribbed celery starts three weeks after the start the design laundering. Celery, sown in January-February can be harvested from June to September, while those, sown from March to May, give them harvest from July until the end of winter. Were harvested celery ribs by cutting the roots of some plants above the soil surface, using long blade knives. Harvesting smallage can be executed from the time when the leaves reach a length of 25- 30 cm. One can gather about twice a month. Yields are of the order of 60 tons / ha for ribbed celery and about 40-45 t / ha for smallage. Conservation does not exceed 4-8 days in optimal conditions (0 ° C and 95% RH).

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


The cultivation of lettuce

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) is an annual, herbaceous rosette, native to Western Asia and belonging to the botanical family of Compositae. The part consumed is the sheet or the apple constituted by the leaves and stem reduced. The vegetable is rich in vitamin A. In Morocco, there are lettuce all over the country, in small areas.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season. The optimum temperature is 20-23 ° C during the day and 7 ° C at night (growth begins at 4 ° C and continuing at 24 ° C). At 15 ° C, seed germination is rapid (2-3 days). The seed has 4 types of dormancy: (1) post-harvest dormancy (it takes some time between harvest and germination; this time depends on the varieties). (2) a second dormancy induced by high temperatures (above 18 ° C, seeds should be exposed to low temperatures). (3) another dormancy induced by the infrared (seeds should be exposed to visible light for a few days before planting). (4) a fourth dormancy induced by long days (there is risk of bolting under long days of summer and high temperature). Culture to be held in cool period (fall, winter and spring. It is possible in summer in coastal regions). The soil requirements are low: we find salads on all soil types. The optimum pH of the soil is of 6 to 6.8. The culture tolerates excess boron and magnesium deficiency. It is sensitive to salinity. She responds well to a contribution in Cu, Mo and Mn.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco belong to three main types of lettuce: type in or cut leafy salad, green leaf (varieties Secalina, Royal Green) or red leaves (Prizehead, Vulcan, Western red). The headed guy (variety capitata, Iceberg, May Queen, Wonder 4 seasons). The Roman-type (variety Romana Lam, Paris Island Cos, Pic Bos Capri, Balon, Blonde maraichère). The spread is sexual. The number of seeds per gram of seed is from 450-900. For the winter crop, sowing is done from November to February in warm layers. For the summer crop, sowing is carried out from May to September in the fresh coastal areas in the nursery. For the fall crop, sowing takes place between October and April on coastal in potting soil. For the cultivation of spring sowing is done between March and August in the nursery. This should be sunny to expose the seeds to light at least at planting. There should be about 400,000 seeds per ha. Seeds are sold in two forms: free or pelleted. The pellets offer ease-till precision. If nursery, planting should not be deep. The collar must stay above ground. The seedlings remain in the nursery for about twenty days. The time between the planting and harvesting definitive place is nearly a month and a half. The arrangement between plants in the field is as follows: 0.5 m between troughs of 1 m and 5 rows x 15- 20 cm between plants in the row with the type of lettuce (15 cm for leafy salads; 20- 25 cm for lettuce salads and 30 cm for the Roman type). The plant population density of 150,000 to 200,000 plants / ha depending on the variety.
The water requirement of culture is 350- 400 mm per crop cycle. Most producers use to start sprinkling of culture (germination - emergence) and the gravity thereafter. Over 80% of water supplies are provided during the last month of culture. A few days before harvest, reduce water inputs to improve the quality of apples and avoid soft apples.
The base dressing may consist of 5-10 T / ha of manure 20 kg + 50 kg N + P2O5 + K2O 100 kg / ha. On the cover, you can bring 30 kg N / ha + 30 kg P2O5 / ha at 20-25 days after planting.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The fight against weeds is essential (using herbicides before planting or after emergence; it is necessary to inquire with the houses of specialized plant protection products on specific herbicides to use). The most fearsome insect for growing lettuce are worms, aphids, leaf miner and white fly. The most dreaded diseases are basal rot (Rhizoctonia solani) and the melting of seedlings (Sclerotinia minor). Viruses (LBVa or Big Vein Virus, or LMV mosaïc virus BWY or beet Western Yellows, TuMV or Turnip mosaïc) are generally controlled by a good selection of healthy seed and a good crop rotation. The melting of seedlings can be overcome by effective fungicides (mancozeb and maneb) and crop rotation. Downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) is a dangerous disease since the genetic variability of the pathogen does not allow effective chemical control. Bacterial blight and fusarium wilt are also dangerous. We must not grow lettuce on infested plot.
Harvesting and product handling:
The cutting is done as and sales in order not to exaggerate the offer on the market. Iceberg type can be coated in thin plastic and packed in cartons 2 layer (2 x 3x 4, or 24 apples per box). These cartons can be cooled by chilled water or in a vacuum cooler (cooler vacum) before being shipped long distances. The sorting is done on the field, without the need of a packaging station: Workers clean the head of lettuce and throw to the ground the outer leaves sick or injured.
Conditions for safe storage or transport:
  The product is perishable. This must be pre-cooled in a cooler Vacuum before transporting it by refrigerated truck or store it in a ventilated area to 1- 2 ° C and 95% RH. Under these conditions the retention time may be of the order of 2-3 weeks. Avoid ethylene in the cold storage, if spots appear on the leaves, with gradual expansion of browning.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


The  Coriander
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an annual plant with taproots. It belongs to the family of Umbelliferae. The origin of the plant is probably the Mediterranean. The seed contains more than 0.7% essential oil. The seeds produced in Morocco are among the favorite even if they contain little essential oil. The main criterion of quality is the clarity and good appearance of the seeds and their bright, uniform color. The seeds are accepted for torn cilantro to be milled. Coriander has the following properties: carminative, stomachic and exciting. It is indicated for painful digestions, spasms, the acrophagie and nervous fatigue. Coriander is also used in the synthesis of vitamin A. coriander oil is used in perfumery in the manufacture of cosmetics. In Morocco, the culture is practiced all over the country, but to small areas.
Soil and climatic requirements:
This plant grows in the temperate regions, soil all, especially sandy, but well maintained so that weeds do not invade. Coriander is influenced mainly by the rental site or precisely the latitude. It has been reported that in extreme cold and a short growing season exceptionally Norway and Siberia, we get a good yield of volatile oil, higher than in many countries in central and southern Europe. The best yields were obtained in fresh and quite humid summers. Studies have shown that the coriander plant is slightly affected by the light by temperature. However, the environment affects the vegetation period, the yield of fruits, total volatile oil content and the content of the fruit in linalool. Coriander prefers healthy soils, compact, whether sandy or clayey. It also prefers calcareous soils, permeable, fresh, well prepared and sunny. She vegetating in acid soils; its resistance to cold is greater than that of Anis.
Varieties, planting and tillage:
The varieties used in Morocco are fixed and local varieties. Sowing is directly final planting in rows spaced 50 to 60 cm. Then we must clarify that the plants are about 20 cm from each other. One can also proceed by division of clumps in spring or autumn. The dose of the most appropriate sowing is 12 kg / ha. It ranges from 7-28 kg / ha depending on the variety and countries. The work is classic ground (tillage and cover crop; making ridges or troughs in undermining).
Irrigation and tending:
  The water needs of culture resemble those of lettuce. Water supplies must be regular and must follow the increasing vigor of the plant. Weeding is the most important care for culture. For the control of weeds, several herbicides are used to coriander: Propanil 3-4 kg / ha post-emergence; the Trifluralin to 2 kg / ha preemergence combined linuron to 2 kg / ha (post-emergence). Other herbicide give satisfactory results (Simazine and Prometyne).
The following fertilization plan is recommended: 20 t / ha manure + 50-100 kg / ha of N; From 30 to 60 kg / ha of P2O5 and 60 kg / ha K2O. Nitrogen and potash are usually split into two or three inputs according to the character of the soil leaching.
Diseases and pests and control methods:
Two major diseases can be considered for this culture: (1) the gall coriander stalks (the pathogen is Protomyces macrosporus; to fight, we must adopt methods of certifications including the examination of seed wash water ). (2) bacterial blight (causal agent is Pseudomonas sp inflorescences that infects and causes the decline of coriander seed).
Harvest and storage:
The harvest begins in Morocco in early July. It involves trimming umbels gradually as the fruit ripens; the stems are dried and suspended in a well ventilated and shaded place; then tap on the stems to drop seeds. These are then stored in thermal containers. The seed yields vary from 120 to 1700 kg / ha. Vegetable does not retain more than a few days under conditions of 0 ° C 95% RH. Its preservation for a long term requires its transformation (wash, cut into small pieces, mix with salt and packaging in glass jars in the fridge).

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


The culture of chervil
  Chervil (Cerfolium sativum L Bess or Scandix cerefolium or Chaerophyllum sativum Lam) or Chervil (in English) is an annual plant. The Chaerophyllium bulbosum is a biennial plant. Chervil is native to the Mediterranean and belongs to the Umbelliferae family. The consumed part is the leaf. The essential oil is extracted from seeds. The plant is an herb (plant condiment), aromatic and medicinal use (against eczema and for the proper functioning of the kidneys). The leaf is diuretic and stimulant. In Morocco, the culture is practiced everywhere but in small areas for commercial reasons.
Ecological requirements:
  The same as for parsley (see datasheet parsley).
Plant varieties and culture:
  The known varieties are chervil, simply chervil and chervil curled. Sowing is live (there are 400-500 seeds / gram seed). The annual crop is even the type bulb (botanically biennial). For high leaf production, it is advisable to sow in July (not spring). The seed rate is 70- 80 grams of seeds / 1000 linear meters. The arrangement between plants after thinning, is 0.3- 0.4 mx 0.05 m (row crop) or 1 m between rows and 3-4 cups per bowl (spaced at 10- 20 cm) x 5 cm between plants in the row (for a culture of boards or troughs).
Maintenance culture:
  Irrigating the crop establishment, at flowering and after each cut. It provides 200 + 60 + 150 kg / ha of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively. The contribution of N fractionated in 2-3 times. For weeding, emergent, Amex is used 820 (6 l / ha) and Prowl (3 l / ha). In post-emergence, w1 is used weedkiller (500 l / ha). Chervil is generally not susceptible to diseases. It should still pay attention to rust, mildew, powdery mildew, the damping-off, the aphids and ringworm. Treated with conventional products with the supplier's requirements.
  Are harvested in September and November at ground level, at the stage transfer of the base of the leaves to yellow. Using the same mower as chives. Harvesting the seeds (for essential oil) is performed again green stage (early ripening seeds, with a maximum oil content). Drying is carried out in the same manner as parsley and tarragon. The yield obtained is 7-8 fresh T / ha / cut (x 2 cups / year) or 1-1.5 T sec / ha / cut (all comers) or 0.5-0.7 T Dry leaves / ha / cutting, after separating leaves - stems.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


The culture has cardoon

Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L) is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean. It belongs to the botanical family Compositae (or Asteraceae). The consumed part is the stalk, also called coast (young and tender). The vegetable diet is nutritious and it is rich in vitamins, Ca, potassium and sodium. In Morocco, the main production regions are Rabat, Casa, Sais and Marrakech.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season with demanding soil moisture. Seeds do not germinate below 10 ° C (soil temperature optimum: 12- 15 ° C). The optimum for the growth of 20- 22 ° C. Requirements are low soil; Culture prefers deep soil, medium texture. Land sand-clay, not too moist, well-draining, are suitable for cultivation. The optimum pH of the soil is of 6 to 6.8.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are enhanced Blanc, full unarmed, the dwarf thistle Italy. The spread is sexual. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 20-25. The nursery is commonly used in the USA. In Morocco, the multiplication is done exclusively by direct seeding definitive establishment. The sowing date for a spring crop is from March to April (dates tailored for Tadla). Germination is slow, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water overnight before planting; it must be quickly performed the next day.
The arrangement of plants in the field is 1- 1.2 m between ridges x 70 cm planting holes between 3-4 seeds in the row. The need for seed is 1.5-2 kg / ha. It performs a thinning at the 2-3 leaf stage, leaving only a well-developed plant per hill. Planting density (after thinning) is 12,000 to 15,000 plants / ha.
It is also possible to multiply the cardon asexually, by bursts of strains or axillary buds collected from feet of one year.
Water needs are high during the growing and harvest approaches. We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with moderate irrigation. Two to three hoeing-weeding are necessary as well as regular watering along the crop cycle. Water supplies are of the order of 450-500 mm / crop cycle of 5-7 months.
The basal dressing consists of 50 t / ha manure + 40 kg N + 40 kg + 100 kg P2O5 K2O / ha. This coverage includes 50 kg N + 10 kg + 60 kg P2O5 K2O / ha per intake. x 4 inputs. Stages fertilizer application are second to third leaf stage 20 days later, a month later then a month later. The culture is also challenging Sulphur and Magnesium. An intake of 50- 100 kg of S and 20- 40 kg Mg / ha often prove necessary.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds (we can apply a pre-emergent herbicide), insects (cutworms, wireworms and aphids), diseases (mildew, pithium, Rhizoctonia). You have to respect crop rotation (no cardoon or artichoke after composacée).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins at the stage of full development that must be fleshy petioles and tender. Harvesting should be daily to pass part of the production without flooding the market whose absorption capacity is generally low, otherwise prices collapse. The harvest starts 5-7 months after sowing. The peripheral leaves are removed and a part of the rhizome is cleaned. The middle leaves are sliced ​​¾ of their length. Cardoon is sold at the clump of one or two feet according to their force. Sometimes the tuft is tightened, bound and covered tar paper to whiten and reduce its chlorophyll (Europeans prefer a bleached cardoon). The national average yield is 20-25 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
For storage a few days, the best storage conditions are: 7- 10 ° C and 90-95% RH. It is best to soak the rhizome and the basal part of the leaves in cool water and change the water twice a day. Never keep the chard in the refrigerator; it quickly loses its quality and becomes tender vegetable filamentous and undesirable texture. The vegetables must be sold as quickly as possible without conservation. The local conservation should be well ventilated.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II



  Chives (Allium schoenoprasum L) is a perennial plant of the allium family (or lily). It is native to Asia. It is different from spring onions. In English, it is called Chive. The consumed part is the leaf; is an herb (the plant is condiment). Chives are used fresh, frozen, after drying or after extraction of the oil seeds. The leaf is rich in vitamin C and has stimulant, antiseptic, healing and cardiac. It is used in dietetics. In Morocco, the culture is practiced in the Gharb.
Soil and climatic requirements:
  Chives has the same requirements as the onion (onion see datasheet): hardy, cold season, resistant to frost and drought.
Plant varieties and culture:
  It is the local variety (common chives) is the best known. It also uses the following varieties: Treibnoris, Grolan and Wielan. The culture remains in place 2-4 years. Propagation is by fragments tufts taken from old mother plants. Sowing is done directly (4- 6 kg seed / ha) or nursery (precision seeding: 300 grams / 200 m2 nursery / ha of land). It takes place in March-April. There 750-850 seeds per gram of seed. Stocking density is 200,000 plants / ha (in lines: 30 cm x 15 cm cuvettes or 1.4 m wide and 3 rows spaced 30 cm). Planting takes place 30-45 days after sowing in the nursery. If sowing is direct, it must proceed by sowing in seed holes (2-3 seeds / hole) and after thinning (plants allowed 1-2 / hole).
Maintenance culture:
  It should irrigate just before sowing or planting and after each cut. In winter, it brings 120 kg / ha of P2O5 and 200 kg / ha of K2O. From the spring, it brings 100 kg / ha of N in April-May and 60- 80 kg N / ha after each cut. Weeding should be done regularly. As preemergence herbicide is used Ramrod L (9 l / ha). In post-emergence, is applied Tribunil (2 kg / ha). Treated with maneb against rust leek, by iprodione, benomyl against botrytis. Conventional treatments are against mildew (Anteor), Alternaria, coal and leek moth.
Harvesting and drying:
  When sown in March-April, one can get a small harvest in autumn; it is best to avoid this harvest which may exhaust the plant. From the 2nd year, are harvested from June to late October (5-6 cups / year). The plant at ground level is cut. One can use a wagon mower rotary cutter. Care is taken to remove the flower stalks if one is not interested in seed production and crop residues (favoring botrytis). The average yield is 3 T fresh / ha / cut (300- or 400 kg dry). In June, the seeds can be harvested (350-400 kg / ha).

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


Asparagus (Aspargus officinalis L) is a monocotyledonous plant, perennial, dioecious (separate male plants female plants), belonging to the lily family. She is a native of Europe and Asia. The culture is practiced in Morocco in Marrakech regions, Tadla, Casa, El Jadida, Berkane, Tan Tan, Rabat and Imouzer of Kandar. Asparagus is a vegetable rich in fats, sugars, crude fiber, Ca, P, Fe, Vitamin B1, B2, C. Green asparagus has a stronger flavor than white asparagus. Shoots (consumed part, young stems) are prepared vinaigrette, herb omelette, with tomato sauce and cream. Male plants appear to have greater longevity than the female plants. More robust, they would eliminate the weaker plants by vegetative competition. The life of a aspergerai is greatly influenced by the severity of the harvest (10-20 years).
Soil and climatic requirements:
In temperate climates and under the influence of temperature and soil water status, asparagus adopt its late autumn activity to resume in mid-March - mid-April. In hot climates, asparagus believes all year. But there will be an activity stop in case of drought. Asparagus is thought likely to start its activity when the temperature exceeds 10 ° C, the optimum is 18 ° C. Asparagus is an extremely hardy plant, resistant to cold (cold season crop), but the growth rate increases with temperature. The daily growth of the rods is about 1.8 cm at 13 ° C, it passes cm 3 at 17 ° C. Photosynthesis begins only two months after the entry into operation of the root system. Indeed, the harvest of the shoots deprive the plant of its leaf organs. Under these conditions, the cycle is reduced photosynthesis a period at least equivalent to that of harvest (60 days).
Asparagus is a very versatile plant to adapt to different soil types. But we seek preferably a permeable soil, light, deep and easy warming. In the basement, in general, it is accepted that the water must be below a depth of 0,60m. The particularly interesting type of soil appear to be a loamy soil. The optimum pH is 6,8 7,5 (spears sought lovely pink color). Asparagus is very tolerant to the salinity of the irrigation water (3 to 5 g / l).
The main varieties that give quality of shoots (straightness, lack of grooves, not backed bud, closed apex) were obtained by dual hybridization (Diana, Juno and Minerva, ACR) or in vitro cloning (Aneto, Desto, Cito, Steline, Jacqma 2001 Jacqma 2002 Dariana, Cipres). The in vitro cloning allows uniform vegetative propagation. In a aspergerai, greater precocity we can notice and improved productivity of the male plants. Breeders have therefore sought entirely male hybrids.
Land preparation and planting:
Site preparation began in the autumn by a deep plowing (30- 35 cm). It's time to bury basic fertilizer, manure and potassic and phosphoric fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers will be incorporated during the preparation of the soil in the spring, before shelving the field. A few days before the final installation of the plants, one must make a second plowing 20cm, followed by harrowing. Then we dig trenches or furrows for planting claws definitive establishment. The distances between the trenches or furrows depend on the orientation of production (white spears, star or green). Normally, the distance between the planting lines are: (1) For the production of green shoots 100 cm. (2) For the production of white shoots 150 cm. The distance between plants was 45 to 50 cm. The trenches or furrows are dug to a depth of 25-30cm. It is always best to bury the bottom of some manure decomposed trenches before planting. It is not advisable to dress the roots of the claws. To avoid contamination of the claws by Rhizoctonia, we proceed to disinfection with bleach (diluted to 12 °) for 15 minutes. The claws are generally placed flat, roots oriented mostly in the length of the row. The claws are covered with 5 to 6 cm of soil brought back with a hoe and packed on the sides. We absolutely will plant 1 year claws, more apt to recovery than older dogs.
Irrigation and tending:
The growing water needs are at 12-15000 m 3 / ha / cycle. Production of aspergerai depends on the quality of the maintenance in the first three years after planting. The first year (1 Shoot era), use is made of regular hoeing and weeding. This work is important because they allow the asparagus to start vigorously avoiding weed competition. Chemicals can be used for weed control as cynamide Ca, diuron or Metribuzin 0.5kg ai / ha. Autumn, November-December, stems asparagus dry out, they are cut to 5 cm above the ground, is burnt or is buried in the soil. During the vegetation and in winter or practice of cover crops between rows (Radis, Beans, Peas, Garlic, Onion, Turnip Lettuce ... etc.). The second year (second growth), it brings NPK fertilization, we continue to be irrigated, and chemically weeded before the release of shoots. In the fall, cut and burn the tops dry. The third year we made two to three buttages. From the fourth year the maintenance aspergerai resembles that of an orchard (irrigation, fertilization, weeding ...)
The basic fertilizer is normally made up of: (1) Farm manure, rotted 40-60 tonnes / ha (2) Phosphorus 100 kg / ha and (3) Potash 180kg / ha. Asparagus primarily reacts to a good nitrogen and potassium diet. Boron and Magnesia must be made during the culture. Asparagus needs a good Ca / P ratio of about 3/1. Manure cover can be: (1) 1st year (first growth): 30-50 kg / ha N; (2) 2nd year (2nd push): 60-80 kg / ha N + 60 kg / ha P2O5 + 100 kg / ha K2O. (3) from the 3rd year: 100-180 kg / ha N + 50-60 kg / ha P2O5 + 150-200 kg / ha K2O.
Pest control:
The main diseases of asparagus are rot Claws (Rhizoctonia violacea) (Claws covered with purplish red felting causing yellowing and destruction of plants). At the first harvest, the shoots affected are more or less deformed, harden and become bitter. The control means are choosing a healthy soil and healthy claws. Can also disinfect shoe with bleach at 12 ° or with methyl bromide at 120 g ai / m 2.
Rust (Puccinia asparagi) (pustules yellowish, reddish and black on the aerial parts). To fight against this disease, in October, cut and burned all the stems. It performs preventive treatments Maneb or Mancozeb at.
The sheath caterpillar (hypopta oaestrum) (The roots are eaten by larvae). For the fight, it picks up and burning the sleeves to avoid the spread havoc, it also deals with insecticides using Azinphos (MA 40g / hl), Fonthion (100 g ai / hl).
The beetles asparagus (asparagi Crioceris) are beetles (stems and other aerial organs are eaten). For the fight in June, treated with malathion and parathion 75 g 30 g ai / hl.
Fly asparagus (Platyparea poeciloptera) (we observe galleries in the stems and stalks, this results in drying and deformation of the shoots). For the fight in October, cut the stalks and burn. There must be sprayed with dimethoate products 30 g ai / hl and Formothion 50 g ai / hl. (3 to 4 treatments).
Seedcorn maggot fly or shoot (Phorbia platura) (larvae attack shoots into the ground, causing the curvature of the shoots, stems can be observed corkscrew with rot and spears become bitter). For the control, treating the soil after the first hilling in granulated chlorvinphos (5 kg ai / ha) and MA trichloronate to 2.5kg / ha.
The larvae of beetles (Taupins) attack the root system. Treat the soil before planting with parathion.
Harvesting, maintenance of aspergerai postharvest, storage and packaging:
The harvest lasts 2-4 weeks depending on plant vigor, as from the third to fourth year. After harvest, perform the following work: intake of nitrogen fertilization (100 units), any flattening of culture, chemical weeding, fall, cut and burn and then buried dry tops, organic manure input (manure , night soil) and protection against rust fly and asparagus beetles.
In the fourth year, the same tillage is practiced, and it provides the same manure. It can be a plastic mulch preceded by a chemical weed control (on fresh soil). On about 60 days are harvested. Harvest date varies according to climatic conditions in April until June (in Agadir in February-March). It can start in 3rd year shoot, but harvest only 2-3 shoots per plant not to tire the plant. The normal harvest starts from the 4 th year.
Picking green shoots poses no problem, the shoots are cut when they reach a length of 20 to 22cm, while for white or pink sprinkles, you have to gather before the appearance of the apex of the shoot overground (the stalk being mounded); in hot weather, this crop requires daily passes with the presence of 5 to 6 people per hectare during the full harvest.
The yield and quality of production depend on the variety, the age of the aspergerai and care that is provided. In general, high culture were harvested 5-6 T / ha. The yields begin to decline as early as the 9 th year. The shelf is necessary because asparagus spears tend to lignify quickly enough. Conservation is to be in a controlled atmosphere from 13 to 15% CO 2 (+ 2) to (3) ° C or in a cold room at 4 ° C and 90% relative humidity. For short-term storage (48 hours), it stores the bulk asparagus in ventilated boxes, bathing in fresh water. The asparagus are cut to the regulatory dimension "Export", with a length between 12 and 22 cm and a diameter between 10 and 16 mm. The shoots are classified into 3 categories: (1) Extra or better: Length 17 to 22cm, diameter 12-16 mm (2) Category I or Good quality: Length as to the quality Extra; diameter 10-16 mm (3) Category II or quality Merchant: Length 12-22 cm not bundled asparagus; minimum 10mm diameter. The shoots are placed in bunches of 0.5, 1 or 2 kg and packed in cardboard boxes or wooden crates.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


The cultivation of orka

Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L) or (okra in English) or Greek horn, is an annual plant, originally from Ethiopia (Africa). It belongs to the botanical family Malvaceae. The consumed part is the fruit (young and tender). The vegetable diet is nutritious and it is rich in vitamin A, Ca and P. In Morocco, the main production regions are Ouarzazate El Jadida and Casa.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is hot season, very demanding to heat, light and moisture. Seeds do not germinate below 15 ° C (soil temperature optimum: 20 ° C). Germination requires 17 days at 20 ° C, 13 d at 25 ° This 7 days at 30 ° C. The optimum for the growth of 26- 28 ° C. Requirements are low soil; Culture prefers sandy soil. Land sand-clay, not too wet or cold, are suitable for cultivation. The optimum pH of the soil is of 6 to 6.8.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Emerald, Clemson spineless (reference variety, fixed), Annie Oakley F1. The spread is sexual. The pollinated by insects. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 12-15. The nursery is commonly used in the USA. In Morocco, the multiplication is done exclusively by direct seeding definitive establishment. The sowing date for a spring crop is February-March (dates tailored for Tadla) and June-July for the fall crop. Germination is slow, it is recommended to soak the seeds in warm water overnight before planting; it must be quickly performed the next day. The arrangement of plants in the field is 80 cm x 60 cm between ridges between bunches of 3-4 seeds in the row. The need for seed is 20-22 kg / ha. It performs a thinning at the 2-3 leaf stage, leaving only a well-developed plant per hill. Planting density (after thinning) is 20,000 to 22,000 plants / ha.
Water needs are high during the growing and harvest approaches. We must maintain a constant moisture in the soil with moderate irrigation. Two to three hoeing-weeding are necessary as well as regular watering along the crop cycle.
The basal dressing consists of 50 t / ha manure + N + 40 kg 80 kg 40 kg K2O + P2O5 / ha. This coverage includes 20 kg N + 30 kg + 20 kg P2O5 K2O / ha per intake. Stages fertilizer application are second to third leaf stage 20 days after beginning fruiting and full pickings.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are weeds (we can apply a pre-emergent herbicide), insects (crickets, cutworms, wireworms, whitefly, leaf miner and aphids), nematodes, diseases (late blight, verticillium, Fusarium , pithium, Rhizoctonia). You have to respect crop rotation (no okra gumbo or after tomato or eggplant).
Harvesting and product handling:
The harvest begins a few days after fruit set. The pickings daily and must be routed to the market or to an industrial unit. The best quality is a tender fruit, small. The harvest begins 5-6 days after the onset of the flower. The first fruit is harvested 2 months after planting. The national average yield is 12-15 t / ha.
Terms of good conservation:
For storage of one week, the best storage conditions are: 7- 10 ° C and 90-95% RH. The vegetables must be sold as quickly as possible without conservation. The same post harvest care given to the net beans are also needed to okra. The local conservation should be well ventilated and not containing melon, bananas, apples or other products that produce ethylene.
Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


Squash crops

  Squash (Cucurbita spp) belong to the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. These are annual plants, creeping and originating in India. The consumed part is the fruit before maturity (case zucchini) or full maturity (case pumpkin). The pollinated by insects. The nutritional value, dietary and taste is important (10% MS, 1% N, 6% sugar, 0.5% minerals, carotenes). In Morocco, the main production regions are the Doukkala, Gharb and Sais. The vegetable is used fresh or canned (jam and drying).
  Pedoclimatic preferences:
  The optimum root growth is 22- 25 ° C. A minimum of 12 ° C is required for root development. The optimum vegetative growth of 20- 22 ° C day and 17- 18 ° C at night. In times of production, cultivation requires 20- 25 ° C day and 17- 20 ° C at night. The soil requirements are not large. The optimum pH of the soil is 5.5 to 6.8. The soil should not be asphyxiating nor too fresh in the spring. It is recommended to avoid poor soils, too heavy or compacted. Too cold ground causes the melting of seedlings. The same optimal soil and climatic conditions for melon or cucumber are required by squash.
Varieties, seeding, tillage and planting:
  The main varieties used in Morocco belong to three groups: (1) Cucurbita pepo L; this is the zucchini group (early vegetables crops); (2) Cucurbita maxima Duch; it is the pumpkin and pumpkin Group (seasonal crops, often dry favorable bour) and (3) Cucurbita moshata Duch; it is the group of butternut squash. In group (1) include the following varieties: vegetable Green; Green Algiers and Blackbuty. In group (2), we find the large white and the bright red of Etempes. In group (3), we find the Hip 51-17 and full of Naples. The number of seeds per gram of seed is seed of 0.5 / g of seed for the pumpkin seeds and 1-2 / g of seed for zucchini. Regarding schedules seeding in the growing season (pumpkin and pumpkin), seeding is performed, in general, directly in pockets of 3-5 seeds in the field, from the month of March-April. In the nursery for growing zucchini (premiere), it is preferable to use the plug trays and peat. Sowing can take place from September to January. Direct seeding can be done in June-July for a cultural season rear (production between October and late November). For direct seeding, the 10 cm deep holes are made. Is filled with well-rotted manure them. Mixing soil and dung. We place 3-4 seeds per hole. At the second stage sheet, cleared 2 seedlings per hole. If sowing is done in nurseries, care is taken to replace the missing. Transplanting was made at the 3-4 leaf stage. For cold and fissurants soil is opened trenches 20 cm x 10 cm depth and the buried manure mixed with potting soil (40-50 tons / ha). At these trenches is carried out direct seeding or planting. The arrangement of plants in the field is as follows: (1) for early, lines are simple (1.2 mx 0.5 m); (2) for the growing season, simple lines and 2.5 mx 1.5 m. It made a pre-germination of seeds prior to sowing (seeds imbibing the eve of sowing, with warm water). A dense culture is generally protected from sunburn. The planting density is 3,000 (pumpkin) to 16,000 (zucchini) plants / ha.
Irrigation and tending:
  The soil should always be to its field capacity. The growing water requirements are around 300 mm with a scoop of courgette crop or season back The best irrigation system is drip-drip. The irrigation management should be performed by lysimeters installed on the parcel, the class A pan or tensiometry. The same care given melon or cucumber are required by squash. In the field, plants are not pruned. It is advisable to 2-3 and 2-3 hoeing buttages to strengthen the root system.
  When making planting holes, it is recommended to bury the basal dressing, ie 30-40 t / ha of manure (if available) + 60 kg N / ha + 150 kg P2O5 / ha + 100 kg K2O / ha. In coverage, they bring 30 kg N / ha + 40 kg P2O / ha + 30 kg K2O / ha in mid-growth and every fortnight. We also recommend bringing 3-4 T / ha of manure cover in early spring flowering stage. Squash support the recent manure.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
The main enemies of culture are the nuile, powdery mildew, spider mites, aphids, thrips, wireworms and cutworms. It is advisable to treat against these enemies a preventive manner. In the Tadla region, the climate does not allow the development of most fungal diseases. The treatments are generally limited to insecticides and miticides. Particular attention should be given to viruses. A plant virus disease must be removed immediately from the field.
  Harvest, conditions for good conservation and product handling:
Harvesting is done using the shears so as not to damage the plants. The fruit should be thrown into picking bags, but stored in boxes. The best harvest stage is the stage tender fruit (for zucchini) or mature (for the pumpkin and pumpkin); it is recommended to transport the production of zucchini quickly to its destination for immediate sale in order to safeguard product quality. The national average yield is 12-15 t / ha for zucchini; it exceeds 90-100 t / ha for the pumpkin. The storage is done at 10 to 12 ° C and 90-95% RH in a ventilated area. This storage should not exceed 1-2 days to zucchini. Pumpkin and pumpkin will keep at room temperature more than 5-6 months without quality deterioration.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II


  Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) belongs to the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. It is an annual climbing plant native to India. The consumed part is the fruit before maturity. The male flowers female flowers are separate but carried by a single foot. The plant is called monoecious. Some varieties are gynoecious (only female flowers) or parthenocarpic (not requiring pollination). For conventional varieties (monoecious), the pollinated by insects. The vegetable is of low nutritional value; it is refreshing and laxative, poor in vitamins and nutrients. In Morocco, the main production regions are the Souss Massa, Doukkala, Sais and Gharb.
  Pedoclimatic preferences:
  The optimum root growth is 22- 25 ° C. A minimum of 12 ° C is required for root development. The optimum vegetative growth of 20- 22 ° C day and 17- 18 ° C at night. In times of production, cultivation requires 20- 25 ° C day and 17- 20 ° C at night. The soil requirements are not large. The optimum pH of the soil is 5.5 to 6.8. The soil should not be asphyxiating nor too fresh in the spring. It is recommended to avoid poor soils, too heavy or compacted. Too cold ground causes the melting of seedlings.
Varieties, seeding, tillage and planting:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Poinsett, Admiral, Prestige, Ardo, Corona, Flamingo, Pepinex 69 Pepinova, Santo, Sweet Slice, Sweet Success Poinsett ... The variety is very rustic and not expensive; she seems to be adapted to the Tadla. On the market, different varieties are available: Flamingo and Optima tolerate mildew; Corona, Sandra and Fidelio tolerate mildew. The spread is sexual; Direct sowing can be done by planting holes or nursery (precision seeding). The same treatment described for the nursery of tomato under protected remain valid for the cucumber. The protection against rats and mice should be more pronounced for cucurbits. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 35-50 depending on the variety. Regarding schedules seeding in the growing season and late season, seeding is performed, in general, directly in pockets of 2-3 seeds in the field, from March until June: 10 cm deep holes are made ,. filling the well-rotted manure, soil and manure are mixed and placed 2-3 seeds per hole. After lifting it clears 2 seedlings per hole. For cold and fissurants soil is opened trenches 20 cm x 10 cm depth and the buried manure mixed with potting soil (40-50 tons / ha). In the nursery, planting can take place in November-December in the case of tunnel use of Nantes (premiering culture). The arrangement of plants in the field is as follows: in the field as in Nantes tunnels, lines are twinned (1.5 to 2 m × 0.3 m between twin in the twin 0.4 m in the row this gives a density of 12,000 to 16,000 feet / ha).
The soil should always be to its field capacity. The growing water requirements are around 500 mm for rear crop season (80 t / ha yield in Nantes tunnels and 40-50 tons / ha in the open field under favorable conditions). Less water is needed in the field in rainy period: 300- 350 mm (vegetation in April-May). In times floral post, do not expose the crop to rain or sprinkler (sprinkler or pivot); culture will be quickly destroyed by fungal diseases. The best irrigation system is drip-drip. The irrigation management should be performed by lysimeters installed on the parcel, the class A pan or tensiometry.
When making planting holes, it is recommended to bury the basal dressing, namely 50 t / ha manure (if available) + 120 kg N / ha + 100 kg P2O5 / ha + 200 kg K2O / ha. In coverage, they bring 30 kg N / ha + 20 kg P2O / ha + 50 kg K2O / ha in vegetation and after each week of picking. We also recommend bringing 3-4 T / ha of manure cover in early spring flowering stage. Cucumber tunnel in Nantes (premiere) seems to be promising in the Tadla region. When the soil is too cold, it is advisable to double or even triple the dose of P. A soil test is often necessary to determine the fertilization plan accurately. Indeed, when the P content of the soil is less than 15 ppm, provides 150 kg P / ha; if content of between 15 and 60 ppm, provides 100 kg P / ha; if content exceeding 60 ppm, they bring 50 kg P / ha. Potassium contributions can also be adjusted by the soil test: between 0 and 75 ppm, the contribution is of 150 kg K / ha; between 75 and 150 ppm, provides 100 kg K / ha; between 150 and 200 ppm, the contribution is 50 kg K / ha; exceeding 200 ppm K in the soil, the supply is unnecessary.
Care, main enemies of culture and Controls:
Size is practiced in Nantes tunnel (topping the main stem and leaf 3rd stage 3rd blindness of leaves twigs). In the field, plants are not pruned. It is advisable to 2-3 and 2-3 hoeing buttages to strengthen the root system. Plastic mulching is often used in greenhouses shelter (since it can be enhanced by the strong performance). In the field, it is not advisable to use it since it is difficult to value it. The main enemies of culture are the nuile, powdery mildew, spider mites, aphids, thrips, wireworms and cutworms. It is advisable to treat against these enemies a preventive manner. In the Tadla region, the climate does not allow the development of most fungal diseases. The treatments are generally limited to insecticides and miticides. Particular attention should be given to virus (eliminating virus-infected plants).
  Harvest, conditions for good conservation and product handling:
Harvesting is done using the shears so as not to damage the plants. The fruit should be thrown into picking bags, but stored in boxes. The best harvest stage is the stage tender fruit; it is recommended to transport the production to its destination quickly for immediate sale in order to safeguard product quality. The national average yield is 17-20 t / ha in the open field; it exceeds 90-100 t / ha under greenhouses or high tunnels. Under Nantes tunnels, the yield is intermediate. The storage is done at 10 to 12 ° C and 90-95% RH in a ventilated area. This storage should not exceed 1-2 days, or product quality may be deteriorated. The product must be sold on the fresh market. At a temperature exceeding 12 ° C, the green fruit tends to yellowing. It is recommended not to keep the cucumber on the same premises as tomato, potato or other fruit or vegetable that produces ethylene.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

Sheltered Tomato

The sheltered tomato crop

The culture of tomato (Lycopersicon exculentum Mill) belongs to the botanical family Solanaceae and is native to South America. It is an annual plant whose consumed part is the ripe fruit. The flowers are perfect. For better production, pollination must be ensured by bumblebees (4 hives / ha). The vegetable has good nutritional value; it is rich in P, vitamin A and C. The tomato has a favorable influence on the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system.
In Morocco, the main production regions are the Souss Massa, El Oualidia, El Jadida and Casablanca for early and the rear crop season. Most greenhouses are located on the coast.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
Tomato is a warm season crop. The germination of zero is 12 ° C. The optimum root growth is 15- 18 ° C. In fruit growing phase, the optimum ambient temperature is 25 ° C day and 15 ° C at night. Preferences soil types are very broad. The soil must be well ventilated and draining. The waterlogging, even temporarily is detrimental to culture. The organic matter content of the soil should be quite high (2-3%) to obtain good yields. The optimum pH of the soil is 5,5 6,8. The culture tolerates salinity and boron. She responds well to an intake of Zinc in case of deficiency this element.
Varieties, sowing and planting:
The main varieties used in Morocco are Daniela (Hi-Tech) in the absence of nematodes; Gabriela (H- Tech) in case of presence of nematodes. Other varieties are available on the market: Madrila (Agrimatco); Clx, with different numbers (clause) ... The varieties are constantly evolving; it is recommended to follow this development in the market to take advantage of new breeders.
Sexual propagation is by seed. Sowing is in the nursery. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 250-350. The nursery should be sheltered (delta 9 or tunnel Socodam; greenhouse Canarian ...). It is advisable to use the plug trays to make seeding (11 x 7 = 77 lumps / tea trays and 300 / ha). The soil is first covered by a plastic mulch, preferably in black or green to avoid weeds and contamination of seedling roots from the soil. After filling the cavities with peat, the seedlings is carried out accurately because of seed per cell; it is advisable to cover the trays, originally arranged in paired bands, for a transparent thin plastic film (20 microns). This plastic will be removed after germination of seed.
During the period of germination-emergence, the care of plants are: watering with clean water (preferably warm in the Tadla), foliar spray fertilizer and treatment against the enemies of culture (fungicide and insecticide) . Particular caution rodents (mice and rats) must be made from planting to emergence; the dose of the seed should be increased in case of the presence of rodents in the operation (use of 80 to 100 g seed / ha field). The interesting planting period in the Tadla is the month of June
Pollination requires the installation of 4 hives / ha bumblebees floral period and during the pickings. For planting, upon installation of the nursery, we must begin to prepare the ground to receive the seedlings. The land must be plowed, leveled and disinfected in case of presence of nematodes (if the threshold of nematodes in the soil is not dangerous, disinfection should be avoided since it is expensive and damaging to the environment in case of Use of Methyl Bromide). Various other soil disinfectants are available in Morocco (solarization, metam sodium, Nemacur ...). Tadla region is known by the winter cold frost susceptible and the hardness of the culture conditions during the winter. In order to bring an early production area, it is necessary to make additional spending sacrifices in terms of heat shields and double protection by Nantes Canaries tunnels under greenhouses or under high tunnels delta 9 and Socodam. These physical protection devices are possible and feasible in the region. The planting period is July and August. Culture can be prolonged until the month of May to June of the following year. The planting density of 22,000 plants / ha under high tunnels and 16,000 to 18,000 plants / ha greenhouse Canarian (field loss under eaves). The arrangement of plants in the field is 1 mx 0.3 m.
Under cover, it is advisable to use the drip-drip. Irrigation must be continuous. Avoid jerking of inflows to safeguard plant vigor and quality of trained fruit. The water needs of the crop may be covered by contributions of 25% of the overall needs during the vegetative phase, 50% during the peak of the pickups and 25% in the last phase of the culture. The soil should always be brought to its field capacity. An error in the conduct of irrigation causes the fruit bursting. With additional equipment (pump and metering bins), it is easy to introduce in fertigation operation. Water supplies and minerals will be provided at a rate allowing the culture to develop properly; fertilizer by leaching losses will be brought to their minimum.
A bottom intake includes 50-60 t / ha of manure and mineral fertilizers where the dose should be determined according to the richness of the soil; generally one brings 100 kg N / ha + 200 kg P2O5 / ha + 250 kg / K2O. Cover, fortnightly, contributions are: in vegetative phase, 50 kg N / ha with a balance of N-P2O5-K2O of 1-0,5-0,9. In a period of early flowering, the contribution is: 30 kg N / ha with a 1-0,4-1,2 balance. In times of pickings, the following balance must be adopted: 1-0,3- (1.8 to 2) with a dose of 30 kg N / ha. During culture, foliar fertilizer sprays must be applied regularly every month or when necessary. Where fertigation is used, the same doses may be made by dividing by 15 days in order to adapt them to daily intakes.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
Should be monitored nematodes, wireworms, cutworms, aphids, leaf miners, mites in hot weather, fungal diseases and bacterial blight. Phytosanitary treatments must be applied as a preventive measure to avoid the attack of pathogens. It should, however, avoid excess to save the environment and save expenses. Pesticides should be rotated to prevent the phenomenon of habituation to crop enemies.
Other treatments:
The care given to the protected culture are replacing missing after planting, trellising plants leaving a sufficient length of the coil string that can be used later in sleeping, size (pinch, budding), weeding, ridging especially in cases of moderate nematode attack.
Harvesting, handling product and good storage conditions:
The collection can be phased in over six months (November to May). The picked fruit must be handled with care to avoid injury. The yield varies from 120-150 t / ha depending on the quality of the interview devoted to culture. In case of late season sheltered culture, arrested in December to be followed by another culture (French beans or melon), the yield rarely exceeds 50 -60 t / ha. Regarding conservation, we must remember that tomatoes produced under protection must be sold fresh. During transport to a remote area, it is advisable to store the fruit in a cool (8- 10 ° C and 90% RH) pending shipment.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
