lundi 3 août 2015


نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪garden beet‬‏
The cultivation of beetroot

The garden beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is a biennial plant, fleshy roots (consumed part) belonging to the botanical family Chenopodiaceae. The plant is native to the Mediterranean. The vegetable is rich in Iron and Phosphorus. In Morocco, we find this vegetable throughout the regions, but the culture is practiced on small areas.
Pedoclimatic preferences:
The plant is cold season, but more demanding in the heat plant roots. The optimum growth temperature is 15- 23 ° C. Germination zero is 8 ° C. The plant supports hot weather more than the carrot. Bolting occurs in cold conditions. Culture prefers a sandy loam soil or sandy. Heavy soils are difficult to work and are at risk promote damping-off and seed rot and seedling collar. The optimum pH of the soil is 6.
Varieties, tillage and seeding:
The main varieties are used in Morocco Plate of Egypt, Detroit improved, long virtues. The American varieties are Detroit Strains, Ruby Queen, Red Ace F1 and F1 Pacemaker III. The spread is sexual. The number of seeds per gram of seed is 30-50. Seeding is carried out in nurseries in spaced 5 cm lines with a spacing between the seeds on line 5 cm. You must use the seeds treated against seedling blight and rot. One sows 25- 30 g seed per m2 (glomeruli). Sowing takes place throughout the year on the coast but within the country (Tadla, for example), we avoid sowing in early spring (bolting). The best planting time is April-May-June The glomeruli are soaked in warm water for 5-6 hours before sowing. Planting definitive establishment takes place at the 4-5 leaf stage. Harvesting is done 4-5 months after planting. Sowing can be direct. Then one needs to 10- 15 kg of seed / ha. The soil should be rolled after sowing for good germination homogeneity. Two thinning must be done to bring the population density normal: it clears the 2-3 leaf stage and at 5-6 leaf stage, leaving 10 cm between plants 8 on rank. A glomerulus gives 4-6 seedlings; Thinning is mandatory for direct seeding. The plant population density of 35,000 to 40,000 plants / ha
Culture is adapted to pivot irrigation or spraying. The most common system is the gravity. The drip-drop seems to be interesting but its profitability is not always safe. The soil should be returned to its field capacity throughout the crop cycle. The water demand of the culture is 250-300 mm / cycle. It is advisable to irrigate early in the morning to avoid pest problems (and alternaria leaf spot). Water requirements can be spread with 1/3 during the first half of the crop cycle and 2/3 during the second half (root formation period). In case of drought, we must provide boron to alleviate the problem of its deficiency induced by lack of water, but the culture is catching up quickly at the first water inflows. Thus two to three extra irrigations are sufficient to obtain a satisfactory yield. Culture must be hoed and mounded over the cycle at least two times to remove weeds, aerate the soil and temporarily replace one or two irrigations when water problem.
The basal dressing consists of 20-30 t / ha manure + 80 kg N + 180 kg P2O5 + 100 kg K2O / ha. This coverage includes 30 kg N + 30 kg K2O / ha 5-6 leaf stage and 30 kg K2O / ha at early growth of the roots. The interpretation of the soil test standards are the following: * For P: soil that dose 0-25 ppm P must undergo an intake of P2O5 120- 150 kg / ha; for an amount of 25-50 ppm P, the contribution of 70- 120 kg P2O5 / ha. For a content of more than 50 ppm P, it provides 50 kg P2O5 / ha. * For K: soil that dose 0-75 ppm K, the contribution must be 120- 150 kg K2O / ha. For a content of 75-150 ppm K, the contribution of 80- 120 kg K2O / ha. For a content of 150-220 ppm K, the contribution will be 60- 80 kg K2O / ha. When the content exceeds 220 ppm K, it does not make potassium intake. The boric fertilization is very important for growing beet in order to avoid the black heart. In basal dressing, it brings 3- 5 kg B / ha. On the cover, it is 2-3 foliar sprays of soluble boric product without exceeding 1 kg B / ha / 400 l of water. Intake starts at the beginning magnification root and repeats during grow.
Main enemies of culture and Controls:
It is recommended to take the necessary protective measures to minimize chemical control which is expensive and degrades the environment (crop rotation, integrated pest management, weed control, etc ...). The most commonly used insecticides are: Malathion and Carbaryl against aphids, spider and cockroaches, Pyllerin against leafminer and maggot larvae, Trichlorfon, and Lannate Telone (II or C17) against cutworms, white and wireworms. The most dreaded diseases are leaf spot and mildew. Preventive fungicides should be used regularly to prevent these diseases during rainy and warm periods of the crop cycle.
Harvesting, handling product and good storage conditions:
The harvest ranges generally from July to November if sowing takes place between April and June We cut the leaves and the roots are pulled with a hook 2-3 teeth. Avoid using the sap that causes injury to the roots. It is recommended to moisten the soil before harvesting if hard ground. Once the plant is pulled, the aerial part is cut and left on the field (enriching soil fertility). In the field, a sorting can be performed to store the roots according to the sizes of categories. USA, classification class are as follows: Grade 1 (the root diameter D = 2,5 cm 3); Grade 2: (D = 3,2 6 cm); Grade 3 (D = 6.2 to 8 or 9 cm). When the root is greater (D> 9 cm), it is not well marketed (excluding caliber root). The national average yield is 15-20 t / ha. At 0 ° C and 95-100% RH, the shelf life of the roots (leaves) exceeds 5-6 months in the right conditions. With the leaves, the shelf life does not exceed 2 weeks (at 0 ° C and 100% RH). The room must be well ventilated.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II

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